Bands you ought to abhor but like

Hi all. I dunno what kind of first post this is, but I guess I might as well get the embarassment over with.

James Taylor.
80s hair bands.
George Michael.
Marilyn Manson.

And, uh, I heard a rumour that there ain’t no party like an S-Club party. But that’s unconfirmed.

I like more of the bands named than I dislike. Not going to go through them all b/c . . . why bother?

Are Def Leppard and Jethro Tull uncool enough that I should be embarassed?

Yes, be very embarrassed. Except Aqualung, for which you need only be mildly embarrassed.

1958 Jimmie Rodgers “Oh oh, I’m falling in love again”

O-Town…the latest reality TV effort. ABC…tonight

You’re a communist if you don’t!:smiley:

I’d have to go with The 80’s Hair Band crowd - Bon Jovi (actually thought they were going to be next Van Halen), Skid Row, Poison, Warrent, ad nausum.

No, but I will laugh at you and at the same time shame myself by admitting that I have a moistboyz CD that I play from time to time.
Oh, and on a complete hijack, “Dijon Warlock” is quite possible the funniest fucking name on this board.

Woo-hoo!!! :smiley:

(I’m also a Tull fan, but not the least bit ashamed of it.)

I’m not really ashamed of my Tull collection, in fact I love torturing my unenlightened friends with it. I have the biggest car and don’t drink, so whenever we go out I hold their ears hostage, sometimes for hours on end. If they’re really being obnoxious then I haul out The Grand Illusion (Styx) which I don’t even like that much anymore, just to watch them squirm.

has anybody said oasis?? don’t think so. teehee. champagne supernova?! live forever? wonderwall? classic ballads of modern culture.
and that one backstreet boys song that goes “BACKSTREET’S BACK! ALRIGHT!!!” and ‘bye bye bye.’
:slight_smile: sigh

Motley Crue

There’s just something about men wearing makeup…