Banks. Yuck!

Yesterday being the fourth of July, the hubby and I decide to run to the local grocery store to purchase a few items. We spend about 40 minutes shopping. We get to the checkout. So far no problems. Imagine my embarrassment when my debit card gets rejected. I have horrid thoughts of my husband on spending sprees without telling me about them, not to mention the fact that I have all these groceries bagged and sitting there with no way to pay for them. God bless best friends with huge quantities of cash. So we go to the ATM to get a mini statement to see what the deal is. It says we have insufficient funds and won’t give me the damn mini statement (They charge you a fee of $1.50 for one). Anyway it’s a holiday so there is no way of checking out what is going on, or of transferring funds. Our checking and savings are at two different banks. So this morning the hubby pulls money out of savings, deposits it at the ATM when he discovers we still have $200 dollars in the checking account. I want to scream. So no my best friend thinks I’m a pathetic loser who can’t manage money, and I really don’t want to go to the same grocery store again because they probably all remember me and will be watching me closely next time I shop. Oh the horror.
That’s my rant for the day. My don’t I feel better :slight_smile:

FWIW, Qwisp, you’d almost certainly get a better deal at a credit union. When you join a credit union you become a part-owner of a financial cooperative. The C.U. is nonprofit and gives its earnings back to the members through lower loan rates, higher savings rates, lower (or no) fees, and just plain better service.

For more info on credit unions, including how you can find one you’re eligible to join, take a look at the Credit Union National Organization home page.

(And if this sounds like an ad … it kinda is one. I work for a credit union. “Bank” is a four-letter word. I’ll never go back.)


Whoops, that should have been the Credit Union National Association.

Don’t worry about going back to the grocery store. People’s cards get rejected all the time for any number of weird reasons (as you discovered). They won’t care at all as long as the groceries get paid for. At least you didn’t bounce a check.

Hey Qwisp, is it possible you had deposited a $200 check that just cleared in the morning?