Banned members or similar.

Can somebody give me links to topics where banned members/ questions about why they are banned and also meltdown posts?
If this isn’t in the right forum someone please move it.

Why no posts?:confused:

Gotta give it more than 16 minutes

Use the search and look up:


Just off the top of my head…

Methinks the mods will frown on this one, solely because raising the question of why certain people were banned raises a good possibility of trolls. In other words, don’t fan the flames.

Just do a search for ‘banned’ or variants thereof, and you’ll see a whole lotta stuff. Closed and locked stuff, but stuff nonetheless.

Questions of banning raises certain ugly spectres, and I’m scared of ghosts.

You know what, Tripler…Maybe I shouldn’t have posted that…
Sorry 'bout that.

Sorry, I’m just a confused noob. :wink:

Ooops quoted the wrong person.


It lends evidence. I’m sure the stories will speak for themselves.

No big deal, I’m sure.

Would this be more appropriate in the pits?

I’m not sure if he was banned, but if you want to see a particulatrly strange meltdown, do a search on the name Freak Freely

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