Banning disco*bot

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

Now see, that would have been a good design choice.

Well, which do you think is the more common user scenario? People who muted DiscoBot, forgot, and are trying to access one of its functions? Or people trying to troll something they know for a fact to be a chat bot?

It’s Discobot, so the trolling thing, hands down.

I had a whole thread on it, and it boiled down to one setting I’d forgotten about.

I still hate the rustbucket.

Yeah, ain’t it fun!

@discobot, say something nice about @Tripler.

That’s OK, I’d ignore him too if he talked about me that way.

Un-poss-impibile. Ain’t that so discobot?

@discobot fortune

See? I told you.

:crystal_ball: Most likely

How about creating a thread for
@discobot display help.

People could use it to explore and learn discourse. Figure out why help doesn’t work.

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

@discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: Outlook not so good