barefoot but not pregnant

That’s me…most of the time, at home. Hell, if I could get away with it, I’d be sans shoes at work as well. It doesn’t matter the season, when I get home, one of the first things that I do is to kick of my shoes and pad around the house in my bare feet.

During the summer, if I can’t be barefoot, then I’m wearing sandals

I think it’s because my feet sweat…perhaps a bit more than usual.

mrs beagledave ALWAYS has to put on shoes to just go outside on the lawn, no matter the weather…I think she’s a freak, and hope that gene didn’t get passed on to babybeagle.

Any other shoeless dopers at your casa?

Me. I’m barefoot as much as possible. If I must wear shoes, they’re moccasins or sandals.

My kids are barefoot folk as well, so hopefully babybeagle will take after you!

I’m usually shoeless as well. In winter, however, I wear socks around the house (the bare floor is too cold for me). Mr. Rocza is like your wife and wears shoes everywhere. I concur that he is a freak (and for many, many more reasons :wink: ). But I still haven’t given up on trying to break him of this habit :smiley:

I go barefoot wherever possible, as well. Being flat-footed, it’s just more comfortable that way. Otherwise, I wear flats or sandals or shoes I can take off easily.

I do wear shoes to go outside, however. The sidewalk is too hot to walk barefoot on, and we have dogs that are in the backyard, so it’s just too gross to go out back barefoot.


i remain barefoot whenever possible too! in the summer in school, even to class. when i have to work nights or weekends i am practically the only one in the office and remain barefoot there too.

i do like shoes though. i mean, if i have to wear some, i want a cool pair. but mostly slip ons. i mean, they can have shoe strings or buckles but i must be able to put them on without bending down (all the better since i am pregnant too :slight_smile: ). it also makes them easier to kick off once i get in the door, which i do immediatly along with setting down my purse and keys. and i don’t own any sneakers. way too much shoe there. unless it’s cold. and i have cool boots for that :slight_smile:

however i do make my son wear shoes outside, mainly because he is 4 and i don’t want him to get hurt. he stepped on a bee once when he was 2, and dropped a hand pickax thingie (i don’t know what it really is) on his next to little toe when he was 2 also, which is his only scar.

I hate shoes!!!
In high school i rarely wore shoes, someone once facetiously asked my dad if we were short on cash, because he could loan us some money for shoes for me. People here just think its because I’m from the mid-west. I have the toughest gross dancer feet. but it’s worth it because i can walk on hot concrete! The snow presents the problem :smiley:

I walk out in the snow barefoot, if I don’t have far to walk. like checking the mailbox in the morning, will often just run out and run right back.

I live and Maine and all… now that I have gone to college… and start hanging around with people of warmer birth… realize I have a wonderful talent to totally freak people out

I go barefoot a lot when I’m not in school. I remove my shoes at the earliest polite opportunity - my Yearbook class is very much like the Libertarian’s model of utopia, with only general, vague commands from the authorities and loads of personal freedom, and I’m not prohibited from going in my socks, so I just kick the shoes off and feel better for it. I’m blessed with feet that don’t sweat too terribly badly, but I’m gonna invest in sandals next year anyways.

My feet do smell, however - but they smell somewhat like cheese. Foot cheese. Maybe I should market this.

Oh! Me! I love being barefoot… Of course, people don’t like it when I idly remove my shoes, but I’m working on that.

Barefoot at home, beach sandals when I go out, sneakers for work. :slight_smile:

Oh yes! Activity numero uno, for myself, and the little Darlins, is to shed the shoes. I always take mine off and put them in the same place, but it can be quite the task in the morning, when about to walk out the door to take them to school to search the house for wherever they first went when arriving home the night before.

I do, occasionally wear socks in the winter time. Although that’s mostly for bed. I don’t know why, but for some reason, my feet get extremely cold at night in the winter, and I can have multiple extra blankets piled on the bed, just covering my feet, and it makes no difference. They absolutely need to be ensconced in cotton to be warm.

This reminds me of this afternoon. I hadn’t told the little Darlins that we were headed out anywhere, but went around readying everything for our venture out, including putting on my shoes(birkenstock knock-offs). My daughter didn’t miss it, and followed me around for the next 10-15 minutes asking me why I had my shoes on. I think that speaks volumes for the barenakedness of the feet in the Darlin household.


I’m a real tenderfoot. I almost always wear shoes outdoors. But inside it just socks or barefoot.

I’ve heard that there are people who hike the Appalachian Trail barefoot. Yikes! [sub]ouch[/sub] That’s impressive.

I hate shoes, I wear sandals and open shoes all the time here, as do most women, and Arab men. I pity western men though - forced to sweat through the 45c heat in suits, ties and closed leather shoes. Must feel like locking a dog in a hot car.

::Squeals with glee::

Ahhh… Summer, painted toenails, barefeet. I love the feeling of cool grass beneath my feet.

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I absolutely love shoes, and own too many, but I love going barefoot more. I do it whenever possible.

I’m even barefoot right now. :slight_smile:

I love to kick off the ol’ Birkies and go barefoot. There’s such a fantastic variety of textures on the ground that most people totally miss out on ‘cause they keep their feet in prisons of canvas and leather! Soft grass, wooden decks, stone patios, smooth pavement, rough sidewalks, squishy mudpuddles, hot cement (ah! ah! ah!) and cool shadows. Asphalt on a sunny day isn’t even that bad if you just keep movin’ (like the fire-walkers who walk across beds of hot coals!) . . . or you can cheat and walk on the white crosswalk markings. The only thing I wuss out on is gravel. If I have to walk more than about five yards on sharp little rocks, I put my sandals back on.

I pad around barefoot at work whenever possible, but I make sure that the First Floor People (read, secretaries and administrators) don’t see, 'cause I’m told that once, Before My Time, but not long before, in response to another nekkid-footed person, they circulated a memo reminding everyone that SHOES MUST BE WORN IN THE BUILDING. No explanation as to why, or what law, statute, health code, or university regulation was being broken by the godless bare-soled people. Honestly, the way some people react to bare feet, you’d think bare-footers were waving their naked genitalia around. I don’t get it.

I go barefoot as much as possible, sometimes even on the street (yow! hot!). But I’ve never taken it to the extreme of barefootedness in public places–you never know what’s lying around waiting for you to step on it. Oh, and my feet are in no way sweaty or smelly, they just like fresh air.

I hate shoes, but I hate cold feet even more, and even in summer, my feet are often too cold to go barefoot. :frowning:

But if it’s warm enough…ahhhhhh.

Barefoot outdoors feels great, but is a big no-no - very unhealthy.

Lola – Why do you think it’s unhealthy? Sure, there are certain things to avoid stepping in, but being barefoot is generally not a health threat.

That said, I am barefoot as often as I can get a way with it. Now that it’s summer, I will go several days without wearing shoes at all, and my feet shouldn’t see the inside of socks until September. I never wear shoes around the house or yard, and if I’m going somewhere I’ll wear my birkies but remove them whenever possible. I go barefoot to classes, and in the summer I work at a farm market, so I’m barefoot at “work,” too. I went to both high school and college graduation ceremonies barefoot.

I’ve got nice, thick callouses on my feet, and can handle snow (briefly) and can step on broken glass and not get cut. My feet are incredibly healthy; they are tough as hell and only ache if I have to wear shoes for an extended period of time. Shoes warp my feet and make them smell. I love going barefoot.

You other barefoot dopers might be interested in these folks who are even more gung ho barefooters than I.