Basic question about locking my computer

Sorry, I did a search for this but got so many hits that I gave up after checking out only a few and figured I’d just ask here.

My question is a very simple one: “how can I lock my computer from other users”. Indeed, I know that the answer to this question can be found all over the net and, in particular, at the Windows support site. In fact, I would love to implement some of the suggested solutions such as either 1. hitting the Windows logo key and ‘L’ simultaneously, or 2. by setting my screensaver to use the “on resume, password protect” option.

My problem, or more accurately, my ‘fear’, is that if I use either solution above, I won’t have the correct password to get things going again. I say this because when my computer was first installed and turned on, it was set so as to use no passwords whatsoever, and to have no individual accounts. In other words, as it stands, I (or anybody else who wants to) just turn on the machine and start using it. I’m never asked to log in nor am I (ever) asked for a password. So, for example, in my current password-less state, I’m concerned that if I select the “on resume, password protect” screensaver option, I don’t/won’t have a password to turm things back on.

Is my fear justified? If so, then how do I go about creating one such that it’s ready to use if, for example, I’ve decided to hit the Windows logo key and ‘L’ simultaneously and now want to unlock things?

Many thanks. I appreciate your help for what I’m sure is a rather facile problem.

I assume you’re using Windows XP. This may also apply similarly to other flavors of NT and/or Vista. Go to your Control Panel and double-click User Accounts. Click Change Account, then select the account you wish to set up/change a password for. Click either Change Password, or if no password has been assigned, Create Password. The rest is self-explanatory.

Now you can use Windows + L to lock your machine.

If your computer has a USB port in an accessible place, you could use a USB key lock.

Just take an old flash drive, load up something like USL, and make it a key.

Whenever you walk away from your computer, you unplug the thumbdrive and take it with you, the computer locks itself down. When you come back, you plug it back in and you’re back where you were when you left.

No password required… Except now you need to keep the flashdrive with you, and not lose IT.

Wow! Thanks so much. It works!!

That is rather cool, but of course as you mentioned a hassle if you happen to lose the key.

Is there a similar system if I say wanted to lock just a part of my HD (or a folder or just a file)?

I have computer fingerprint scanner identification. :cool:

Wow. I’ve used XP for many years and never knew about Windows+L. Cool.

Vista uses it as well.

Yeah, but that’s an even worse hassle. I mean, if you ever lose your finger, you’re completely screwed.

I can find a bunch of programs that claim to do that… But they’re not free, nor are they from reputable sources and I have not tried them. So I cannot in any conscience recommend them.

But I watch CSI, so I have made a plastic model of my hand and can thus plant fingerprints like Paul Millander. :smiley:

If you just put a password on the user account, and still have no password on the hidden administrator account, anyone with some Windows experience can probably bypass your password without any trouble. If your really worried about someone getting onto your computer, make sure you put a password on the administrator account.

Also, you can set a password in the BIOS too, which would keep anyone from booting up your computer without the password. However, this can also be bypassed, but not without some hardware knowledge. You would also know the next time you booted up that someone did this.

So the important thing is, who are you trying to keep from using your computer?

This is the good question. For example, I as an onsite tech carry software that can strip all 2K, XP, or vista passords from a system in about 4 minutes. Such passwords are trivial against someone so equipped where they may be unassailable to a lesser skilled/equipped user.

Then again as I mentioned before, sometimes its not what they know, but who they can afford to hire :cool: .