Bathroom reading

Yeah, as with the other minds that need to be occupied, I try to take something with me. What else ya’ gonna do? But I avoid any historical tomes I’m chewing my way through - those are for the couch. Reader’s Digest, PC Magazine & National Geographic all provide quick reads that get me out of there before my legs go numb.

People! Look at teh title of this message board. I just have to assume that TSD is a given.

Re: Seinfeld- George was reading in the bookstore, and he set off some sensor, and they were gonna make him pay for it. Last season, I think.

JMcC from SFCA <fixed link!

Gotta have shit reading…

Usually a magazine like Details or some music rag I got at work.

This is a guy thing, reading in the john, I think, right?

Yer pal,

This is one more thing I’m adding to my list of things for my dream home. A full size actual library in my bathroom. Right next to the crapper a three of four shelf bookshelf filled with books that are ideal for crapper reading. TSD, Onion: Our Dumb Century, Shel Silverstein books, Calvin and Hobbes compilations, Alamnacs, and the NFL, MLB, and NBA recod and fact books. The crapper will have its own subscriptions to a dozen or so magazines.

Strangely enough 75% of the neccesities for my dream house are in the bathroom. I may need to make it bigger than the master bedroom.

I don’t read everytime in the crapper, I usually am in and out in less than 5 minutes. Occasionally I like to take my time.

National Geographic, all the way.

I read guitar magazines when at home. If I’m at work, I’ll print out a crossword puzzle before dropping a deuce.

National Geographics and any and all manga that I get my hands on.

Trouble with that is that if I get a good thick manga book I wind up with monkey butt from sitting too long.

Monkey butt…scrouge of the bathroom reader forever

My magazine subscriptions are perfectly timed. As soon as I finish PC Gamer, Motor Trend comes. When I’m through with that, Classic Custom Truck comes. After that comes Popular Science. If that hasn’t made the next PC Gamer come around yet, I usually bring a Reader’s Digest or a Christian Reader in with me. BTW, it is my own personal rule that I don’t read any of these anywhere other than the bathroom, cuz that throws my whole schedule off track.


We are the children of the Eighties. We are not the first “lost generation” nor today’s lost generation; in fact, we think we know just where we stand - or are discovering it as we speak.

Uhh . . . monkey butt?


Sit on the pot too long and you get a red ring around it. That is monkey or baboon butt (due to the fact they have bright red butts)

How do you know what your butt looks like?

I don’t know what it is about bathrooms and National Geographic for me. My wife subscribes to it, but I never read it until it makes it rounds from nightstand to coffee table, finally to where it strikes my curiousity in its final journey to our guest bathroom.

I never get excited about NG until I’m sitting on the porcelain throne. All of a sudden those titles really seem cool. “Chad, Ancient Graveyard of Camels” or “Our Friend The Electric Eel” And the articles, as previously mentioned, are just the right size for the time you spend there.

“…send lawyers, guns, and money…”

 Warren Zevon

I never read in the bathroom, except maybe the back of a toothpaste tube or package of toilet paper. Why bother? It’s not like I’m gonna have time to get through more than a paragraph.

And yes, this is a guy thing (or at least I thought it was before I read the other posts here – now I’m not so sure). For what it’s worth, I talked to one guy who claimed that sitting down on the toilet is a relatively rare occasion for a guy, so they have to make a major event out of it. For obvious reasons, it’s not such a big deal for women. Well, maybe …

“Succurrite, succurrite, horribilis heffalumpus! Hoff, hoff, hellibilis horralumpus! Holl, holl, hoffabilis hellerumpus!”


Never time for more than one paragraph? Holy cow, lay off the Mexican food or the White Castle burgers.

“…send lawyers, guns, and money…”

 Warren Zevon