Bay Area Dopers - punk/alternative concert mini-dopefest?

Sounds good to me. If anybody has any preferences, voice 'em now.
Oh, and voguevixen, we’re going out on the 7th, not the 10th. I guess you’re SOL.
But I kid the newbies.

And, uh, I also kid voguevixen, who’s been here a shitload longer than I have. Sorry. Had you confused with someone else.

Harumph! I was gonna SAY!!! You had me confused with fatherjohn, right? :wink:

Well? What’s the story, woody? Pick a time and place so people know where to show up. (It is TOMORROW and all!)

Well, vogue, since I haven’t got any definite responses, maybe we’ll have to wait 'til next weekend for the Shane show to get together. I’ll buy you a drink then.

I think waiting until next weekend would be a good idea so that the planning does not take place under such duress.

Uh, duress? Did I miss something?

Well, OK, maybe duress wasn’t EXACTLY the right word. All I meant was that it’s easier to plan for something several days away than to try to throw it together on the spot.

Yeah, I suppose this late in the game, next week would be best. Somebody who’s organized might wanna try to work out the details. I can barely remember where I put my pants anymore.
And zyzz, Shane’s playing next Friday and Saturday. I’m going to both shows, so let me know.

I think more people will come next week if you remember where you put your pants.

Okay, i’m giving this a bump since the show is tonight.

Any thoughts of where/when to meet?

I’m trying to think of someplace near the Fillmore that is not scary and am drawing a blank. That’s near Japantown, right? The only thing I can think of is the Dennys, lol, and THAT’s no fun! I haven’t been in that area for years, though, did they turn the Japantown Bowl into a club or anything?

Hey… anyone know if there are still tickets left? I could be talked into going, if I know I can get in… anyway, let me know as it’s almost 4 pm Saturday night. My email is in my profile.

Hey guys,sorry, but I’m not gonna be able to get to the city 'til around 7:00 or 7:30, so I’ll probably just meet you in line, or else we can rendezvous upstairs where they have the balcony seats. Saw him last night and it absolutely kicked ass - he played mostly Pogues songs, and wasn’t even drunk as far as I could tell. Hope to see some of you there tonight.

Ok, count me in. I’ll be there with zyzz and perhaps Jack Batty, so we’ll see you at 7 or 7:30, woodstock… we’ll catch you in line.


Damn, I screwed up. I was gone all day and I just got back to see this thread. I guess I forgot all about it. I could have used some decent tunes blowing out my ear drums too.

Now, nobody will see this until they get back from the show, but I hope you all had a good time. I’m sure Zyz will tell me all about it.

:: kicking self … {mutter mutter} … banging head on desk ::

Hmm…well, i would have gone, but like that requires driving in SF, money for tix, going to some place i’ve nver been :). Hee hee, well i do hope you all had a good time!

Next time we have a fest, i may bring a couple of close friends along.

Well, I feel like I belong here in the Bay Area now. I can say “I saw Shane MacGowan at the Fillmore”. How cool is that?

Me and zyzz headed over to the Fillmore early to get tickets, only to find that the box office doesn’t open early. So, we went to get coffee. It was so freakin’ windy that on the way back, after having one sip of said coffee, I dropped it in the middle of the street. So we stopped at another place in the Japan Center and I got the world’s smallest cup of coffee. We then commenced waiting in line to get in to the Fillmore, when woodstockbirdybird showed up.

Sarah Franklyn opened for Shane–kind of folksy Irish music with bongos and fiddle. She looked just like Fergie! Good sound, nice warmup for Shane and the Popes. We also met up with two of woodstock’s friends there and hung out with them.

Shane and the Popes came on sometime after 10 pm and opened up with If I Should Fall From Grace With God, which made me happy. The crowd was way into it. Lots of drunken 80’s looking punk rockers, and, surprisingly, a lot of younger people too. Shane was surprisingly not stumbling drunk, but his between-song utterances were lost in the drunk Mick accent. We all just kinda yelled “YEA!” any time he said anything. They played about 90 minutes or so, and came out for a 4 song encore, and wrapped up the night with my personal favorite, Bottle of Smoke.

All in all, a great time! The crowd was way into it, singing along and dancing up a storm. Pretty well behaved too–I didn’t get hit with any airborne beer, which is unusual for that type of show. It was so cool to see Shane live and in person… I’m not what I’d call a “hardcore” Pogues fan, but some of my best memories and best times were hanging out with my friends in Amherst listening to the Pogues, shooting darts, and just generally being college students. Gave me the warm fuzzies to see the maker of that music that provided a soundtrack for that portion of my life standing a few feet in front of me.

Thanks for the great idea, woodstock!