“Angry eBayer travels 1300 miles to threaten couple who outbid him on $500 band costumes”
Might have seemed a bit more likely if they had been bidding on Samurai swords, but * band uniforms*?
“Angry eBayer travels 1300 miles to threaten couple who outbid him on $500 band costumes”
Might have seemed a bit more likely if they had been bidding on Samurai swords, but * band uniforms*?
My experience isn’t quite as dramatic, but I have received threatening emails from a guy after I won an auction last year – and he wasn’t even involved in the auction! (He wrote to me and asked me what it felt like to be an idiot for spending so much on the item I won…er, gosh, thanks, I think!)
I reported him after the first one, and he sent a second email with outright threats, telling me I had ‘messed with the wrong person’ – I reported him AGAIN, but eBay did nothing – a little research, and I found that this guy had a history of hounding people over eBay deals, and that in ‘real life’ he’s the CEO of his own company.
More recently, I received an email from a person angry that I had not contacted her before I outbid her on an item – same person also told me I oughtn’t bid on any items showing yet a third person’s ID…when I reported her, she contacted me again, and told me to get a life…ooook.
99% of my experiences on eBay are positive, but there’s always a couple of nutjobs out there…
A taxi??? He used a taxi as his getaway car?
I think we have an important clue into the perp’s psyche here…
The really good ones always use a taxi.
Besides, it’s the only way they stand a chance of finding their way back home.
Attention. Attention. The village has called. All idiots are requested to return to their respective village.
There are some real nutters on the internet! I, of course, am not one of them. Or am I?
Wow, talk about freaky situations. What a nutcase.
A few weeks ago I bought a new digitizer on ebay to repair a friend’s palm. $18 with shipping. Today I got an email from someone in the Ukraine, writing (in broken english) to know if I had bought the digitizer to replace a broken one, and if so, what shape was the old one in and would I be interested in selling it? Which is particuarily odd, since a digitizer isn’t much more than a sheet of glass with some wires attached, completely unusable and unrepairable once broken, and certainly not worth what it would cost to ship overseas. I’m still trying to figure out if this is the lead-in to some sort of bizarre scam.
Probably just hoping you’d bite and sell it back to him at a small profit AndrewL.
Could be a variant of this scam.
Wow! That is one hell of a scam, I can see why it is successful. Never heard about it before. Thanks for passing it on Jeff.
Maybe the costumes contained a safe deposit key to a box with $4M? Key sewed into the costume
Why didn’t he just bid higher? Surely whatever he bid plus the cost of his trip would have been more than $500. Not that I’d expect any logical answer from him…