Bear cam - Streaming video of bears fishing in Katmai National Park, Alaska

Click here for awesome streaming video of bears fishing for salmon at Brooks Falls, Katmai, Alaska. (Mild warning for wasting time!)

Yep, that’s streaming video. It would be pretty easy to find yourself watching for awhile hoping that bear’s gonna nail one.

This is about the coolest thing I ever saw in my whole life! Thanks for this link!

That was very special, thanks!

It appears someone is panning and zooming as a bear makes a catch, all remotely I assume.

I watched for less that 30 seconds before I saw a catch! Well, the bear’s head was in the water and then it turned round with a big salmon in it’s mouth…

It appears that the salmon run is ending. A week ago you’d see 40 salmon jumping up the falls in a minute, but I just watched for a minute and didn’t see a one. There also used to be up to a dozen bears in the river at a time.

If you click on “films” just under the video, in the second row, third from the left is a video of a mother and her three cubs at the falls. Mom gets in to try for a salmon and two of her kids try to follow her with hilarious results.


Those pictures are moving around so here is the link to the video.

Katmai National Park is a great place to visit if you ever get the chance. There is a lodge there, and the bears come right through the camp on the way to their feeding grounds. Brooks Falls is in a difference area, but there are enough bears at the pool where they congregate just outside the camp to satisfy any grizzly fan. We saw a couple of pretty vigorous fights between adult males; grizzlies are one of the least social animals on the planet, and the forced socialization of pre-winter gorging puts them in a foul mood.

There’s a bear there RIGHT NOW. 10:08AM CST. Doesn’t seem to be having much luck fishing, though.