Beckdawrek has a bad, bad, bad Siamese cat who knows a new trick!

In a weird/rare moment of loving sweetness my male Siamese cat ‘Bear’ came and sat on my chair with me. He was sitting straight up , front paws together. Tail flipping. He was staring at me. So I stuck my tongue out at him. And smiled. He meowed at me. Oh, oh I saw a little tongue there. I stuck my tongue out again. He meowed again, tongue! What? Did that really happen? So repeat, repeat again. He was sticking his tongue out at me on cue. I actually taught Mr Superior-than-you Bear a trick. Wow! All evening I would look at him stick out my tongue, he responded with ‘Meow’ tongue out! I kept doing it til I realized his meows were getting increasingly shrill. The angry Siamese shrill Meow is not pleasant. So I stopped.
I still can’t believe this.
Ahead to this morning. I had a few folks here eating breakfast. My 5yo granddaughter among them. Generally the cats hide when people are here. As was the case this morning. Everybody dispersed except Grandkid. I was cleaning up the mess in the kitchen and she was on a barstool chattering away. When ‘pouf’ Bear appears on the stool next to her. Very rare for him to come out when children are around. I told Grandkid he knew a trick. And showed her. As he had last night he meowed and stuck out his tongue. She giggled, I was fixin’ to tell her he probably won’t do it for her. When she was sticking her tongue out at him and again ‘meow’ tongue out. She was over the moon. Dancing around and giggling, stopping to stick her tongue, he would ‘meow’ and tongue out. Repeated it about 10 times. Before he flew away like smoke. I told her how rare it was for him to come out like that and how he really liked her to do the trick for her. I called her a ‘cat whisperer’, then tried to explain that to a 5yo. Limited success.
She made the statement ‘Now I want a cat for my birthday’, before her Mom came and got her.

Wonder how many ways I’ll be blamed for this one?

LOL! I always enjoy your bad, bad,bad, bad posts.

I’m impressed. You need a bumper sticker: “My cat is in the Gifted Program at Beckdawrek School.” But what about your other cat? No signs of brilliance there?

And your granddaughter sounds adorable.

Meeko the female is sweeter and more trusting of me. She never comes out for guests, though. She’s probably the smarter of the 2, but more nervous.

Tail flipping and strange “meows” all spell trouble to me. I was terrified your next line would be, “then he leaped at my face and tore off my tongue.”

Somehow, I have gotten all the cats here (Daughter’s four plus my idiot cat) all addicted to "Temptations " cat treats. My daughter calls them crack. My idiot cat follows me around the house and screams at me until I finally place a few in his bowl. Repeat from the time I wake up until I crawl into bed at night.

We call them Kitty Crack in our house. Zen gets a few every evening after we finish watching TV, and gets quite vocal if were run late. He also gets a few if the neighbour cats come begging.

We call them Kitty Crack in our house. Zen gets a few every evening after we finish watching TV, and gets quite vocal if were run late. He also gets a few if the neighbour cats come begging.

Seems the board posted my post twice - 20 minutes apart. Not sure how that happened.

I call it kitty crack too. It took weeks for my to quit begging for it. I took it away, cold turkey. They are skinny cats and need to eat their regular chow. They wouldn’t eat anything else while it was in the house. Bear has never really forgiven me.
I make treats from chicken liver for them.

Was the tail fwipping the kind that can hurt if it hits you, or the kind like they’re waving their tail through an imaginary pool?

cats are fascinating, amazing, intelligent and weird creatures.
Dogs are ok too, in their own special doggy sort of way, but cats. yeah.


My cats know them as “crunchies”. For some reason, they don’t beg for them unless I ask if they want “crunchies”. They then go to their designated spots.

Unless I’m refilling the canister. Then all hell breaks loose.

They are demon animals.