I am looking for information about how to set up living by myself in a relatively, or very, rural environment. Why by myself? I’m not a misanthrope, no desires to undermine the societal structure, no Kaczynski-like delusions, no survivalist or militaristic aspirations. It’s just that throughout my life I have always been happiest on my own, and in a relatively unpopulated environment. Now in my 40’s, I have finally decided to do what makes me happiest.
I have checked some rural living sites, and read a few books, but they appear mostly geared to situations with more than one person in residence. I want to live as self-sufficiently as possible, “off the grid” (solar or fuel cell energy), with perhaps some connections to the outside world via phone and/or internet.
I have some background in farming and animal husbandry, not a lot of money but probably enough to get set up. I’m not looking for discussions on “why” I desire such a life, nor any other observations to that effect. I’m just looking for some leads and practical advice on how I might be able bring this about. I guess by our nature, we hermits and aspiring hermits aren’t likely to do a lot of communicating with each other.
Thanks for any help.