Bedtime Stories Read By Actors That Would Creep You Out

Little Birds by Anais Nin as read by Alan Rickman.

As much as I like the Blade movies, I think a bedtime story read by Wesley Snipes would be more than a little creepy.

Robert “Freddy Krueger” Englund

even when he isn’t playing ol’ Razorfingers, his voice has the sound of that quiet, unnasuming guy who just might happen to be a closet psycho…

I had a “Claude Rains reads from the Bible” LP (not as a child, unfortunately.)

Bea Arthur
Fran Dresher
The lady from “Thow Mama From the Train”
Kathleen Turner
Cyndi Lauper
Whoopi Goldberg
Mercedes McCambridge (the voice of the possessed Regan in the Exorcist)
Bette Davis

Eartha Kitt.

I’d like to join the club of pervy Snape-fanciers as well. :slight_smile:

You see I thought this thread related to the (in)famous item on Jonathan Ross’s long defunct tv show THe Last Resort where Walken read The 3 Little Pigs to camera in a wing-backed chairwith the story book in his lap. It scared the shit out of me and was voted pretty high up in a poll of ‘scariest things ever seen on tv’ a few years ago.

The ones I bolded
Fran Dresher and Cyndi Lauper might sound annoying, but I don’t see how anyone could be scared by them.
And what’s wrong with Whoopi Goldberg’s voice?

I would vote for him too, even if I haven’t seen this show ! (french here)

John Malkovich <<shudder>>

Vincent D’Onofrio. He just wigs me out for some reason. Only thing I’ve ever really been able to watch him in is MiB.

Frankly, after seeing Kathleen Turner in Crimes of Passion, it’s been a fantasy of mine for her to read me a “bedtime” story.

"Now, just slip into this wide body. . . "

Yeah well a Fat Vincent makes me like of Privite Piles from Full Metal Jacket and a skinny vincent Is just creappy as hell in The Cell
THink about a few sports stars I don’t want reading to my Kids, Randy Johnson (with mullet obviously) The man is like a giant scarwcrow of gangly evilness.

Also, Mo Vahun is not getting near my kids, he might eat them.

John Randell makes ME pee my pants so could you imagine that brute reading the little engine that could.

And Dekembe Mutumbo sounds like cookie monster with a live frog stuck in his neck. oh and he’s like 400 feet tall. Great choice of babysitter there I have to say :dubious:

Yes, I agree with you. He can be creepy.

But, as for Alan Rickman, I would be delighted to spend the evening with him :smiley:

Well, by the time I got down to the question of women, I had forgotten the scared aspect of the OP and simply went by the thread title (and those voices would creep me out. Whoopi’s voice (and be advised, I love all three of these women) is in a bizarre register and might not be a good bedtime story voice. YMMV, of course.

And Tuckerfan, have you heard Kathleen (or Kataleeen, as she now pronounces it) lately? :eek:

Alan Rickman! Read to me, please!!! His voice can “bewitch my mind and ensnare my senses” any time.

Kiefer too. Damn.

I have a set of tales by Edgar Allen Poe read by Vincent Price and Basil Rathbone, and they’re pretty creepy. (I also have Paul Scofield and Christopher Lee, but they’re not really as creepy).
But for all-out creepiness, get T.S. Eliot reading his own poem The Wasteland. I swear, he sounds like an emotionless, soulless robot reading his own stuff. Mr. Spock is cuddly and warm by comparison.

Mickey Rourke in character as Marv from Sin City…

Wouldn’t a really nice celebrity be even creepier? Think Mr. Rogers reading Lovecraft.

“Can you say ‘Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn’? I knew you could.”

Or if you have a twisted sense of humor like me, really funny.

Hey, so long as she can still purr like Jessica Rabbit, it’s all good. :cool:

rowrrbazzle, I’d pay real money for a recording of that!