Beer Lovers -- Excruciatingly Bad Beers

I hate to um…horrify you, but Huber is alive and kicking!
They still crank out Regal Brau, Bock, Brau Meister, Reinlander, and a lager just named “Huber”. All terrible. Unlike alot of other brewers, they are still self owned and have not been taken over or bought out by another company.

Hell…who’d want them?:smiley:

Well, there is all the usual cheap, pisswater fare: Bud, Natty Ice, Milwaukee’s Beast, etc. But there’s one particular brand of cheap pisswater that disgusts me to no end. At least the above mentioned don’t even try to have flavor.

I’m speaking of Gennessee, that vile, creamy schwill. I guess there’s something called Gennessee Cream Ale, which sounds even more gut-wrenching. Genny is disgustingly creamy enough as it is, I couldn’t imagine drinking something called Gennessee Cream Ale.

And of course, anything with “Light” after the name. Ever noticed it’s only the yellow-water beers that have a light version? “Hmmm, this beer is too distinguishable from water, something must be done about this.” poof Bud Light.

I’m sure the spelling is wrong. But at University we made a pilgrimage to the Price Club and they had cases of Greek beer in cans named something like Ephesis. I forget the price and it was in the early 80’s but it cost something like $2 a case. Stuff was simply horrendous and had of all things a “soy sauce” taste. I’m ready to hurl now thinking about it.

Of the truly cheap beers, I was partial to Schmidt and would drink it over a Bud any day of the week. But Blatz Splats, Schaeffer, Meister Brau are just sickening. Add in the Carlsberg brewed in China – vile and a hangover guarantee.

pkbites, Thanks for the information on the continued existence of Huber Brewing.

While I wish only good fortune to the Huber family (if there is one), and the employees and shareholders of the brewery, and the town of Monroe in general, it would be a simple mercy if the earth open up and swallowed the whole brewery, bottling plant included. We are not talking about a bland, weak tasting, mass produced and mass marketed popular beer suited only as a afternoon sleeping draught for little old ladies here. We are talking about a small local brewery that lovingly produces small batches of beer carefully formulated for the taste of elderly Swiss emigrants residing in Greene County, Wisconsin, using Greene County water collected from just down stream of where Greene County cows cross the creek. Great grandfather loved it. I think its diluted cow urine.

Never heard of it, but I’ve gotta think someone nicknamed it “Emesis” (what doctors call it when you blow chunks).

I can’t believe nobody’s mentioned Carling’s Black Label yet! Based on the taste, I envision the Black Label section of the Carling brewery as a row of sweaty, overweight Canadians guzzling Labatt’s and Molson and peeing into Black Label bottles as they pass by on a conveyor, a la the scene in the opening credits of “Laverne and Shirley”. When I was in college, there was a group of guys who made a big deal about their fondness for Black Label; they rigged up an old refrigerator with a tap so they could keep a keg of it handy at all times. Had the Black Label logo plastered all over the fridge. I liken it to people who insist they prefer flat soda, just to be contrary.

Also, we used to drink a lot of Milwaukee’s Best because it was all we could afford, except that we called it Milwaukee’s Worst.

This reminds me: whatever happened to Keystone, the “affordable” beer in the specially lined can? That stuff was all right.

My friend’s dad drank generic beer. It came in a white can, with BEER printed in black capital letters across the front. I wouldn’t go near that shit, even when I was poor.

–I think you’re referring to Tecate (and don’t forget the salt).
However, you’re in a good camp if you give Corona the thumbs down. The guys I know who were raised along the Mexican border have been fascinated by the popularity of Corona. Call it good marketing.
If you want a good Mexican beer just say the word “Bohemia.”

There is, mentioned merely 7 posts before you.

Well many people add limes to Corona bottles as well.

Why anyone would drink beer from a clear bottle of dubious origin and long shelf life is beyong me…

Since Corona has been getting a severe thrashing of late, I’ll throw this tidbit out. According to a Harpers article I saw back in the early 90s, the Feds had to block importation of Corona for a while as it seemed the bottles had unacceptably high levels of human urine in them!:eek:

I don’t know if there is a Greek beer called Ephisis, but the Turks have a rather nasty brew called Ephess. gave me a hangover from the first sip, and it was really cheap in Turkey. Most of the Turks drank Tuborgh. Another bad beer is Babacon beer (non alchoholic) from Saudi Arabia. bad taste and no buzz :frowning: . The comercials for babacon beer play like the american beer comercials, like friends not helping dude move until the beer is offered. I don’t know of many americans who would help their friends move for non alchoholic beer.

Twelve ounces per bottle is an awful lot.

Corona is my second least favorite beer, not because it’s bad–it isn’t much worse than your standard American macrobrew–but because it’s bad and expensive. You could have almost anything in the damn store for the same money. One friend of mine is partial to the one thing that could be worse than Corona, hands down my least favorite beer of all time–Corona Light. He left five of them in my fridge the last time he was in town; I threw them away.

I don’t like Heineken at all. It does have a unique flavor, but I can’t imagine why anyone finds that flavor appealing.

If I’m buying cheap beer–which I don’t do very often–I buy Old Milwaukee. What cracks me up is that if you tell people it’s OM, they express disgust, and I’ve had people go so far as to go to the store across the street and buy Budweiser. One time I had a keg of Old Mil and told everyone it was Bud; no one complained in the least.

Dr. J

This past semester at the school we held the first annual Guinness Night. 8 cans of beer ran us poor college kids $16 for our fun. I rather enjoyed the taste, but everyone else hated it, comparing the tast to coffee or soy sauce. Since people would just hand me their beverages after they’d had a taste or two, I probably wound up finishing 6 full cans of the stuff total. It’s pretty funny now to realize that at the end of the night I was literally chugging the $2 beer. I also puked later, which is not as funny.

It’s worth noting that it’s advertised on the back as being “Ireland’s greatest export”. Not just greatest beer, or greatest beverage, but rather it’s greatest overall export. It is certainly greater than, oh say, the band U2, or the various St. Patrick’s Day traditions we celebrate in America, that much is for sure. :rolleyes:

I actually like Corona, but I have to be in the right mood for it.

After living in Chicago for the past year, I can say that Polish beer is the worst I have ever had… they all had names like Wsiywjc or Pyrnjk or something nearly vowel-free. And the entire city seems to be fond of some cheap swill called Old Style. I considered myself lucky to find an occasional dusty 6-pack of Sierra Nevada in the back of the market…Bleah, Chicago sucks :slight_smile:

Foster’s is pretty wretched too…but I’m hardly in the minority with that opinion.

Thank God I’m back in Northern Cal, where every supermarket has 100’s of microbrews…mmmmm, Anchor Liberty Ale…


This is the second time lately I’ve heard someone complain about the price of Corona. It’s not particularly expensive in Texas, usually between $5 and $6 a six-pack.

Third vote for Blatz here. Drink it on friday night and on saturday morning you get to experience the “Blatz Splatz”. 'Nuff said.


Guiness is the best beer in the world but can only be experienced from a keg and if someone doesn’t know how to serve a pint properly there’s no head on it at all which does matter. If it comes from a bottle its horribly fizzy (haven’t tried bottled Draught yet). Its the same from a can unless its one of those special draught cans that don’t even fill a pint glass and have little head.
The extra cold Guiness removes all flavour and body from the drink, drinking it leaves you thinking “where the hell did that go?”
Breo seemed promising but for some reason it tasted grainy. Maybe I was getting the dregs of the keg but it sure tasted strange.

Yeah, but for that price you ought to be able to get beer with some flavor. It’s not that it’s exorbitantly expensive, just too expensive for its quality.

I’ll second City Gent’s nomination of Black Label.

Even when I was a poor college student, I wouldn’t buy Black Label. And this coming from someone who bought Hamm’s by the case (only $4.80 a case in Eau Claire in the late '80s if you returned the bottles!)

I would also like to add Meister Brau. We used to get 25 cent taps at happy hour in college, and we still felt robbed.

And you can add me to the list of people who have trouble choking down any of the big American corporate brews - Bud, Miller, etc. I just can’t stomach that stuff anymore. Unfortunately it is often the only choice at stadiums, company picnics, weddings, and other gatherings. I usually wind up drinking Coke rather than forcing down Bud in a plastic cup.

The problem with “skunky” beers like Heineken and Pilsner Urquell is the green bottles–they don’t block UV like brown glass does, so the UV gets into the beer and roughs up the hops, leaving behind a skunky aftertaste. A good Urquell is a wonderful beer. A bad one is something I wouldn’t use to cook food I was going to throw out.

My current least favorite beer is Henry’s Raspberry Wheat beer. It tasted like cheap beer with Kool-aid in it.

Maybe it was.