Being a moron pays off

A valuable point, this.

Says the guy wishing to sexually assault women any time he wants.

That isn’t me forcing myself on them.

Irony. A troll would be a higher species of filth than what you are purporting to be.

Then what am I?

A diseased assplug?

And there’s no proof that Otto Warmbier broke any rules, other than the highly questionable claims of the North Korean government.

So if you get to make fake accusations, then why can’t we?

Cool, we can sling mud, you shit covered douche nozzle.

A liar and a troll for at least the last year or so. When you do finally get banned for trolling, I’ll be one of those dancing in the streets.

How am I liar?

God you are just obnoxious. Why don’t you chill out?

Oh, well, then that changes everything now, doesn’t it.

So commendably un-oppressive of you. Was your second choice x-ray vision?

What a delightful juxtaposition between the OP, the title of the OP and the end result.

It’s obvious that being a moron has paid off in pounds for the OP. Stop feeding his eating disorder for fuck’s sake.

I proved that over a year ago.

You’re doing a good enough job of establishing yourself as a terrible person without the homophobic slurs. Knock that stuff off.

Just ban this piece of shit already. Of all the things to bring up, this clown wants to sympathize with North Korea for killing this kid? I’ll grant the kid did something stupid. He broke the rules in a place with zero tolerance for rule breaking and fucking insane punishments for them that would even embarrass a Republican. Being tortured to death is not a just sentence for stealing a poster. If you can’t see this, you’re heartless.

How do you know he did any such thing? North Korea said so? Come on.

Assuming the theft even actually happened.

Honestly, I don’t. I can see where he might want to take it home to show people how pervasive the propaganda is. IF he took it, sure make him pay for replacement plus maybe a fine. But torture to death? That’s nuts. Maybe even nuttier than someone in the US whining about the grieving family possibly making money off of it.

Didn’t sympathize with NK. Just said the kid was stupid and died for going someplace he shouldn’t have gone.
