Say your spouse has opened a couple of credit cards - one with a retailer, and one with a bank - in the past year, and added your name to the account, without your knowledge or assent until after the fact. As in:
“Hey, honey. Uh - there’s a new credit card in the mail for you. When did you sign up for this?”
“Oh, a few weeks ago. By the way, I put your name on it, too, in case you ever need to use it for something.”*
Say some months later, after idly pulling your own personal FICO and Vantage scores, you discover that, thanks to balance loads and occasional late payments on said accounts, your personal creditworthiness is now in the shitter. Despite being fanatically conscientious about paying off your OWN debts and maintaining a decent score.
Is there any recourse other than paying off the notes in question and closing the accounts?
Can you even dispute it when a spouse signs you up for a card? As in, calling up Bank ____ and saying “Yo, this isn’t my card. It’s my honey’s. Take me off the account.” Or should you take it up with credit reporting agencies?
Hell, is there a way to completely seperate one’s credit rating from one’s spouses?
- I have reason to suspect that this is not the real reason. Those familiar with my posting history should know why.