Being completely obsessed with a person/group/thing.

My wife says I have a man-crush on Nathan Fillion, does that count?

That doesn’t count, Belrix. Nate’s that awesome.

I thought this was going to be a thread about Rick Santorum.

Years ago I was working in a theater as a summer job and we had a one-night benefit play that had John Ritter in it. This was in the late 90s, before he got into sitcom work again. He was incredibly nice to everybody and was great to work with. Anyway, after the show was done, outside the dressing room were several Three’s Company fans who had driven for hours to see him in this show, and had him sign their collection of related items, including scripts that they’d purchased off of eBay. Ritter was gracious about it. How can you not help but think, “Three’s Company? Really? Still, after all this time?” though…

Yeah I can imagine that would be frustrating. For what it’s worth, though, I’d like to think if I ever had to good fortune to see Steve Martin passing by on the sidewalk I’d be able to restrain myself from fangirling and point and say “Ayyyyy! King Tut!” I bet he’d get a kick out of that.

This reminds me of I Think We’re Alone Now, a documentary about two obsessed Tiffany fans.

If Tiffany has her bodyguards stand around you, she’s not doing it to protect YOU.

Nickle says he wouldn’t, but that he might look at you funny. Cash-money.

Through syndication of reruns, fans can develop celebrity crushes a loooonng time after the show in question has been cancelled. Consider the Trekkie phenomenon.

I still carry a torch for a couple of guys from shows forty, fifty years old. I wouldn’t drive hundreds of miles to see them though. Yep, they’re still alive.

It almost sound’s as if this lady’s “black balloon” helps her fly. And **CatherineZeta **almost fell into the hole in her life.

Guess you have’t seen any of the Transformer films.