Being the last poster of a thread and then it dies

Any thread you post to is a slam-dunk that someone will respond to you. Me, on the other hand…


Yeah, I got 'em. So what?

1 more lap around the sun until 2021-02-09T05:00:00Z

I believe it has been February 10th 2021 for several hours already in Sydney NSW.

Dead, dead. I tell ya

Yeah, that’s how I felt when I took trigonometry.
cos can die too, as far as I’m concerned.

alea iacta est

Sine qua non

Hi, I just got here. What did I miss?

Well, Hi_Neighbor complained about threads that end immediately after they post to them. Then some other people said some other stuff.

And then mercifully, the thread died.

Yes. It dies over and over and over.

And over.

Lazarus must be getting jealous …

Who will be the 2000th poster?

If nobody else wants the job…

Off you go …

Party like it’s 1999 then boom boom out go the lights.

Okay… the next person is 2000