BELIEF SYSTEM exploration of world religions (TAKE THE TEST!!)

Top five:
Unitarian Universalist…click to learn more (score = 100)
Mainline to Liberal Protestant…click to learn more (score = 95)
Bahá’í…click to learn more (score = 94)
Liberal Quaker…click to learn more (score = 85)
Reform Judaism…click to learn more (score = 81)

Bottom five:
Hindu…click to learn more (score = 32)
Christian Science…click to learn more (score = 28)
Seventh Day Adventist…click to learn more (score = 11)
Mainline to Conservative Protestant…click to learn more (score = 0)
Jehovah’s Witness…click to learn more (score = 0)

Hindu should be lower on my list, but there was no “I refuse to accept any religion which believes in reincarnation” option.

Other than that- apparently, I should really check more into Baha’i and Quakerism. Or convert to Reform Judaism. Do they let you do that? “I want to be Jewish, but I don’t actually want to follow most of the rules. I’m just in it for the history of persecution.”

Now this is neat.

My top 3

Unitarian Universalist…click to learn more (score = 100)
Neo-Pagan…click to learn more (score = 95)
New Age…click to learn more (score = 92)
My bottom 3

Seventh Day Adventist…click to learn more (score = 16)
Jainism…click to learn more (score = 16)
Jehovah’s Witness…click to learn more (score = 16)

Looks like I won’t be selling flowers at the airport anytime soon. :wink:


This SELECTSMART site is great! I decided to find out which pagan path is right for me. Looks like I’m a Druid.

I’ll be out dancing naked in the woods.

Cool site.

Top 5:
Unitarian Universalist (score = 100)
Reform Judaism (score = 99)
New Thought (score = 98)

Bottom 5:
Jehovah’s Witness (score = 18)
Christian Science (score = 14)
Latter Day (score = 10)

What fun! No surprises in my results, though:

Top 3:
Atheist/Agnostic (score = 100)
Humanist (score = 99)
Unitarian Universalist (score = 98)

Bottom 3 (although there were 4 or 5 more with scores of 0):
Roman Catholic (score = 0)
Jehovah’s Witness (score = 0)
Islam (score = 0)

How interesting! I knew I belonged somewhere.

Top three:
Unitarian Universalist (100)
Liberal Quaker (89)
Humanist (80)

I second that!

Bottom three:
Islam (11)
Jehovas’s Witness (7)
Mainline to Conservative Protestant (3)

No zeros though. Maybe there’s a chance for me too?

Top Three
Theravada Buddhist(score = 100)
Mahayana Buddhist(score = 93)
Unitarian Universalist(score = 92)

Bottom Three
Eastern Orthodox(score = 11)
Jehovah’s Witness(score = 7)
Mainline to Conservative Protestant(score = 0)

As per suggestion of Dumb Ox, and it works like a charm for me. Go figure.

Top four:
Unitarian Universalist… (score = 100)
Humanist… (score = 91)
Mahayana Buddhist… (score = 86)
Theravada Buddhist… (score = 86)

Eastern Orthodox… (score = 7)
Mainline to Conservative Protestant… (score = 4)
Islam… (score = 0)
Roman Catholic… (score = 0)

I would consider myself atheist/agnostic whic was curiously number 6 on my list. I wonder why so many of us are coming up Unitarian Universalist? Is this site sponsored by them trying to convert people?

Top Three:

Neo-Pagan…click to learn more (score = 100)
New Age…click to learn more (score = 80)
Unitarian Universalist…click to learn more (score = 78)

Bottom Three:

Christian Science…click to learn more (score = 31)
Humanist…click to learn more (score = 26)
Atheist/Agnostic…click to learn more (score = 20)
Satan - just wanted to say “thank you” for this link! I’m going to spend some time here doing some reading.

[ul]Top Five[/ul]
Unitarian Universalist…click to learn more (score = 100)
Neo-Pagan…click to learn more (score = 91)
Liberal Quaker…click to learn more (score = 82)
New Age…click to learn more (score = 81)
Mahayana Buddhist…click to learn more (score = 80)

[ul]Bottom Five[/ul]
Islam…click to learn more (score = 12)
Roman Catholic…click to learn more (score = 12)
Christian Science…click to learn more (score = 12)
Jehovah’s Witness…click to learn more (score = 7)
Mainline to Conservative Protestant…click to learn more (score = 4)

Hmm… my belief system has always been my own blend (despite my Methodist grandma) but I’d been researching Paganism lately. I find it amusing that I have more in common with Islamics than Protestants. Just what is a Liberal Quaker? Sounds like an oxymoron…

Cool site, Satan.

Ugh. One of these days I’ll learn what that preview button is for. Sorry folks. :o

Roman Catholic (score = 100)
Eastern Orthodox (score = 100)
Seventh Day Adventist (score = 93)
Orthodox Quaker (score = 93)
Latter Day (score = 84)

That’s the top five. There isn’t a “Doesn’t like Authority Figures Telling Him How to Believe” checkbox, or RC and EO would be gone. I don’t agree with my top five. Odd.
New Age (score = 24)
Mahayana Buddhist (score = 20)
Theravada Buddhist(score = 20)
Humanist (score = 7)
Atheist/Agnostic (score = 0)

Now the Bottom 5 I do agree with. Wonder what I did wrong?

My Top 5:

Unitarian Universalist…click to learn more (score = 100)
Neo-Pagan…click to learn more (score = 91)
Mahayana Buddhist…click to learn more (score = 88)
New Age…click to learn more (score = 87)
Theravada Buddhist…click to learn more (score = 80)
My Bottom 5:

Roman Catholic…click to learn more (score = 14)
Latter Day…click to learn more (score = 14)
Jehovah’s Witness…click to learn more (score = 9)
Seventh Day Adventist…click to learn more (score = 7)
Mainline to Conservative Protestant…click to learn more (score = 4)

Original OP is right, this is pretty accurate. I didn’t even know what a Unitarian Universalist was until I took this test.
I wonder where they hold services. Maybe we could have a bake sale.

Damn, this was eerily accurate…

Top Three:

  • Neo-Pagan…click to learn more (score = 100)
  • Unitarian Universalist…click to learn more (score = 87)
  • New Age…click to learn more (score = 83)

Bottom Three:

  • Seventh Day Adventist…click to learn more (score = 7)
  • Mainline to Conservative Protestant…click to learn more (score = 4)
  • Jehovah’s Witness…click to learn more (score = 0)

I’m also amused that Roman Catholic, the religion I grew up in, was fifth from the bottom. snicker Great site, hon!

[li]Reform Judaism=100[/li][li]Orthodox Judaism=98[/li][li]Islam=94[/li][li]Bahá’í=88[/li][li]Liberal Quaker=79[/li][li]Mainline to Liberal Protestant=78[/li][/ol]

Lowest on the list for me were the various Buddhist sects, Humanist, and Atheist/Agnostic.

I think this test is a little skewed toward UU. I get the feeling that if you answer a bunch of things that are basically a hodgepodge of stuff from several different relgions, they shove you into UU because there are no real set UU doctrine codes. That’s why it never appealed to me–I don’t really understand the point of a bunch of people getting together to worship something they can’t even agree to define. I never felt the need to find kinship in my strangeness.

That having been said, I’m going to have to see what the hell a liberal Quaker is.

My Top 12:
Orthodox Judaism (score = 100)
Islam (score = 93)
Reform Judaism (score = 84)
Orthodox Quaker (score = 79)
Roman Catholic (score = 72)
Eastern Orthodox (score = 72)
Liberal Quaker (score = 72)
Bahá’í (score = 70)
Mainline to Liberal Protestant (score 68)
Latter Day (score = 62)
Seventh Day Adventist (score = 58)
Unitarian Universalist (score = 58)

I put in twelve so that Satan would see that some of us aren’t really UU. ;j

Neat site.

Theravada Buddhist…click to learn more (score = 100)
Hindu…click to learn more (score = 100)
Mahayana Buddhist…click to learn more (score = 100)

Eastern Orthodox…click to learn more (score = 16)
Jehovah’s Witness…click to learn more (score = 9)
Mainline to Conservative Protestant…click to learn more (score = 0)

Pretty damn close.


Cool site! Here’s how I ranked:

Please do note that Orthodox Judaism (which you long-time Dopers know me to be) is tied with Islam up there. And since Islam is not considered, by the Jewish faith, to be idolatry, that equivalency itself is pretty accurate (although there are, naturally some significant differences between the two).

I thought I’d be able to predict with 100% accuracy my number one result, but I was pleasantly surprised!

Top Five:

Humanist…click to learn more (score = 100)
Unitarian Universalist…click to learn more (score = 96)
Atheist/Agnostic…click to learn more (score = 88)
Mainline to Liberal Protestant…click to learn more (score = 72)
Liberal Quaker…click to learn more (score = 69)
Bottom Five:

Christian Science…click to learn more (score = 2)
Jainism…click to learn more (score = 0)
Roman Catholic…click to learn more (score = 0)
Jehovah’s Witness…click to learn more (score = 0)
Islam…click to learn more (score = 0)