BELIEF SYSTEM exploration of world religions (TAKE THE TEST!!)

Top 5
Hindu…click to learn more (score = 100)

New Age…click to learn more (score = 100)

Neo-Pagan…click to learn more (score = 85)

Mahayana Buddhist…click to learn more (score = 71)

Unitarian Universalist…click to learn more (score = 67)

and bottom 5

Roman Catholic…click to learn more (score = 12)

Atheist/Agnostic…click to learn more (score = 8)

Jehovah’s Witness…click to learn more (score = 7)

Seventh Day Adventist…click to learn more (score = 6)

Mainline to Conservative Protestant…click to learn more (score = 0)

I’ve actually been battling my own cynicism lately because I’ve felt it more of a hinderance on my overall quality of life than a benefit, but there’s something about scoring highest in “New Age” that makes me feel like a child fighting imaginary dragons with a short broom handle.

My top three:

1)Unitarian Universalist (score=100)
2)Neo-Pagan (score=97)
3)Liberal Quaker (score=95)

My bottom three:

1)Christian Science (score=12)
2)Jehovah’s Witness (score=7)
3)Mainline to Conservative Protestant (score=4)

Top three:

Roman Catholic…click to learn more (score = 100)

Eastern Orthodox…click to learn more (score = 100)

Orthodox Quaker…click to learn more (score = 97)

Bottom three:

Scientology…click to learn more (score = 15)

Humanist…click to learn more (score = 12)

Atheist/Agnostic…click to learn more (score = 0)

In other words, no surprises here.

Finally, some guidance! Thank you Satan!

Top 3
Unitarian Universalist…click to learn more (score = 100)

Liberal Quaker…click to learn more (score = 85)

Humanist…click to learn more (score = 80)

Bottom 3
Seventh Day Adventist…click to learn more (score = 7)

Mainline to Conservative Protestant…click to learn more (score = 4)

Jehovah’s Witness…click to learn more (score = 0)

Top Three

Mainline to Liberal Protestant (100)
Reform Judaism (99)
Eastern Orthodox (93)

Bottom Three

Jehovah’s Witness (46)
Humanist (30)
Atheist/Agnostic (30)

Since I’m a fairly liberal practicing Methodist, I’d say that’s pretty close. Cool site!

Top 3:
Mainline to Liberal Protestant…click to learn more (score = 100)
Liberal Quaker…click to learn more (score = 94)
Orthodox Quaker…click to learn more (score = 90)

Bottom 3:
Hindu…click to learn more (score = 31)
Jainism…click to learn more (score = 28)
Jehovah’s Witness…click to learn more (score = 24)

I guess if this Methodist thing doesn’t work out, I’m going to have to start dressing like that guy on the cereal boxes.

Wait a sec, Strain: We’re both Methodists, but my No. 2 is Judaism and yours is Quaker? Sounds like you must have answered some of the questions wrong. :wink:

Actually, Jodi, I expected Reform Judaism to be much higher on my list. When I saw that #2 and #3 were both Quaker, I thought, “WTF??” But, keeping an open mind, I clicked “to learn more.” After reading the descriptions, I thought, “WTF??” (Especially Orthodox Quaker. That’s completely contrary to what I answered.) It ain’t me. It ain’t me. I ain’t William Penn’s son, son, son. If I were to guess my top 3 without reading the questions, it would be: 1) Liberal Protestant 2) UU 3) Reform Jew. I’ll keep retaking the test until I get it right.

Well, brethren, I retook the test and noticed that I’m still uncomfortably close to Quaker, although I did notice that UU is #4 for me and Reform Judaism is #5. Conservative Protestant was #10 on my list which supports numerous assertions (mostly in Great Debates) that the difference between conservative and liberal Protestantism is pretty significant.

Top Four:
Neo-Pagan = 100
New Age = 94
U.U. = 82
Liberal Quaker = 80

Bottom Three:
Islam = 11
Roman Catholic = 11
Mainline to Conservative Protestant = 7.

Funny results. I was baptised Catholic and had some early church experience there, followed by a lot of mainline protestantism.

Interestingly, I allegedly have nearly twice the belief in Scientology (65) that I do in Athiest/Agnostic (34). While it’s true I’m not an athiest or agnostic, I despise Co$ and all it stands for.

Reading up more on my top choices, I find things I believe – strongly, actually – in each, but then there are one or two things about their doctrine that just aren’t what I believe.

Sigh. The quest continues.

top three:

Humanist (score = 100)
Unitarian Universalist(score = 95)
Atheist/Agnostic(score = 83)

bottom four:

Mainline to Conservative Protestant(score = 3)
Christian Science(score = 2)
Roman Catholic(score = 0)
Islam(score = 0)

no big shockers here…

and yes–raised catholic

Top Five
Neo-Pagan…click to learn more (score = 100)
Unitarian Universalist…click to learn more (score = 98)
Mainline to Liberal Protestant…click to learn more (score = 87)
Reform Judaism…click to learn more (score = 86)
Liberal Quaker…click to learn more (score = 82)

Bottom Five
Eastern Orthodox…click to learn more (score = 37)
Roman Catholic…click to learn more (score = 29) snickers madly
Seventh Day Adventist…click to learn more (score = 23)
Mainline to Conservative Protestant…click to learn more (score = 18)
Jehovah’s Witness…click to learn more (score = 16)

I got 62 for Scientology, anyone else? And no zeroes!

This site must be sponsored by the Unitarian Universalists, judging from their popular #1 spot.:slight_smile:

I’m a little bit of everybody - don’t think I missed a category.

Top three:

Unitarian Universalist…score = 100
Humanist…score = 78
Liberal Quaker…score = 75

Bottom three:

Mainline to Conservative Protestant…score = 0
Jehovah’s Witness…score = 0
Seventh Day Adventist…score = 0

I’m actually an atheist with humanist leanings.


Neo-Pagan…click to learn more (score = 100)

New Age…click to learn more (score = 92)

New Thought…click to learn more (score = 86)

Jehovah’s Witness…click to learn more (score = 7)

Mainline to Conservative Protestant…click to learn more (score = 7)

Seventh Day AJehovah’s Witness…click to learn more (score = 7)
Very interesting… this explains why when I go to the Protestant church I sit there and question almost everything that they say!! :smiley:

And to think it is Satan himself who led us here!!!


There’s nothing on the Discordians. How can that be?

Top 3:
Unitarian Universalist…click to learn more (score = 100)
Humanist…click to learn more (score = 93)
Liberal Quaker…click to learn more (score = 81)

Bottome 3:
Christian Science…click to learn more (score = 12)
Jehovah’s Witness…click to learn more (score = 7)
Mainline to Conservative Protestant…click to learn more (score = 4)

Did I pass?

top 8:
Unitarian Universalist (score = 100)
Neo-Pagan (score = 98)
New Age (score = 95)
Liberal Quaker (score = 86)
Mainline to Liberal Protestant(score = 82)
New Thought (score = 75)
Hindu (score = 74)
Mahayana Buddhist (score = 70)
bottom 8:
Eastern Orthodox (score = 30)
Christian Science (score = 26)
Latter Day (score = 24)
Islam (score = 24)
Roman Catholic (score = 24)
Jehovah’s Witness (score = 19)
Seventh Day Adventist (score = 17)
Mainline to Conservative Protestant (score = 17)

Well hell. Netscape crashed, and I’m too lazy to do it again, but I remember that NO religion scored under a 22 with me… odd.

Two of my top three were:

  1. Latter Day Saints
  2. Somethin.
  3. Mainline to Conservative Protestant

This is surprisingly accurate, seeing as how most of my extended family is RLDS, and my immediate family is all Methodist.
