Bengal Tiger Vs. Polar Bear

Just call me aha.

My dad and I were watching Animal Planet, and they had a special on bears. My dad, for some reason, became obsessed with knowing who would win in a fight, a bengal tiger or a polar bear…

I fear he will amputate my toes if I don’t come up with a good answer.


Do an experiment. Get in a small cage with a tiger and a bear and watch what happens. Make sure you get really, really close to the action so you can tell who’s winning. Report back to us, if you’re able.

Seriously, the polar bear outweighs the tiger by more than 2 to 1. The average male polar bear weighs 900 lb., and the average male tiger 420 lb. Since they’re both carnivores, I’ll put my money on the bear. I suspect you’d have a hard time getting them to fight, even if you put them together. Carnivores don’t usually take on other carnivores in a fair fight. Herbivores are much easier targets.

Er…Tim, does your dad dress as a Gladiator very often and amputate toes throughout the neighborhood?

Oh, well. Back to the question: The Tiger roams temperate to tropical zones. Polar bears are, well, POLAR. It would never be a fair fight. The bear would have heatstroke if brought to the Tiger, and the Tiger would freeze on the ice flows.

But if you could iron out those minor problems, the Bear would win. The tiger could neither get a claw through the bear’s skin nor, if it managed to get on the bear’s back, bite through the bear’s fur and skin.

Well i agree. You’ll have to dope 'em up on a little angel dust to get them to fight.

Polar bear kicks tigers ass everytime.
Tigers are big, but polar bears are huge and have massive endurance.

Polar Bear without a doubt!!!
The poor tiger would not have a chance.

The last Polar Bear Versus Tiger fight I saw had the Bear ahead on points but he was disqualified in the sixth round. It was lucky for me as I had serious money down on the Tiger at four to three.

Last I heard, the Tiger was in training to fight a Kodiak Bear. The winner of that fight will take on a Grizzly. I understand that the winner of that fight will take on a Great White Shark for the unqualified worlds championship.

After we have the issue of what animal can kick what animals ass all settled, we can look around for other interesting ways to kill time.

Come on. Polar bear vs. Bengal tiger is no contest. Last time we were at the zoo, however, my 10 year old asked male African lion vs Siberian tiger. That’s more of a toughie. I go with Siberian cause I’ve always had a thang for tigers.

Every since i was little I’ve heard that badgers are bad little critters that could hold there own against bears, etc. granted i wouldn’t want to mess with one, but I’ve never really thought about questioning this. are badgers really that tough?

Also, I’ve never understood why people automatically attribute success to size. I’ve seen many a cat skin a dog.
While a bear has much size on the tiger (i’m not guessing who would win) tigers are pretty damn quick.

  1. This topic already appeared recently, here.

  2. Subsequent to an run on this excrutiatingly stupid series of threads, We created a whole friggin forum for such things. Fortunately, the membership and slythe have made the new forum a lot better than that. Because they realize that this is a stupid topic wherever it appears.

  3. I’m still pissed at Homer. Despite saving his ghoddamned life last night, he still insists on posting this dreck.

  4. I ain’t moving it. This topic is closed.