Beniffer Relationship

Okay, I’ve heard rumors about what happened between Jennifer Lopez and Ben Afleck but Im not positive on any of it.

  Does anyone know exactly what happened between em? Are they broken up or finding a new wedding date?

   Thanx! :D

I think offically J-Lo and Bennifer are still together but the wedding isn’t on at the moment with the brace of morons citing press intrusion.

I read his mother talked him out of it. I also read, J. Lo wanted to postpone because her psychic told her that was a bad day to get married and Ben freaked and they went their separate ways, at least temporarily. He seems to be an intelligent person so I can’t understand why he would even consider marrying a woman who is on her third marriage; I might interview the former husbands before I committed myself. He also loves to gamble and I’ve read she doesn’t like that. He was at the Mohegan in Ct one day and at a card paror in CA the next right after the split. He seems to have an addictive personality vis a vis his visit to a rehab center for drinking a few months back. Everytime I see a picture of her she is like a porcelain doll with the perfect makeup and clothes; it makes me feel uncomfortable, like she is very unhappy with whatever’s under all the makeup and plucked eyebrows. She IS smart business-wise, I’ll give her that, but as far as being content with herself, she has a long way to go. Two dysfunctional people don’t make a whole person. And Ben Afleck needs to figure out the difference between lust and love. I would say if your best friend, who probably knows you better than anyone, even your parents, tells you it’s a mistake, you should at least give it some serious thought. I also wonder what’s going on with his personal assistant. Holding hands? Just friends? Hummm…More to come. I have no life. sigh.