Benzodiazepine-FREE, finally!

My grandfather who was a great man overall died from Valium withdrawal at age 55. He went in for a regular checkup with his doctor and they decided more tests needed to be done assess a heart problem that had been noted. The hospital admitted him for testing at 2 pm for testing but cut him off of Valium for the tests. He went into withdrawal and cardiac arrest about midnight and our family got the death call a little later.

Benzodiazepines are no joke and I am sad to say that I overdosed on them once myself mixing them with alcohol and landed myself in-patient for a week. My thing was always alcohol which I don’t do anymore but benzodiazepines are one of the two commonly abused drugs that can kill you just by trying to stop cold turkey (alcohol is #1). Crack and crystal meth won’t even do that. I have seen people up close and personal detoxing from benzos and it is very bad, scary, and painful to them.

I rise in standing ovation for you to prove it can be done. Keep up the good work but remember the hell it caused because you will have to repeat this whole process if you relapse.