Berghoff is back?

Semi-regular visitor here.

The Berghoff was always one of the great pleasures of visiting the Loop.

I’m visiting next week, and I was lamenting the loss of the Berghoff and googling to see if there was anything similar. And I found…

The Berghoff is back. Is this true? Is it just the same?

And, what other “classic” places in the Loop should I know about?

(Obviously we’re not talking about true “fine dining” here.)

I haven’t been to the Berghoff in quite a while. My understanding that is that the original restaurant is no longer in operation, but there’s still a sort of Berghoff Lite. This from the 10-3-2007 Trib:

They’ve got a website here:

Personally I always liked Trattoria No. 10 at 10 N. Dearborn, described by the Reader restaurant reviewers as “A rare decent Loop dining option, hidden in a subterranean faux-Italian grotto. $$$. Food: 8.5. Service: 8.5. Ambience: 7.5.” You can see the rest of the review here at:

The restaurant’s website is at:

My wife and I went there once since it re-opened. It’s basically a lunch place now, with an abbreviated menu. There’s a cafeteria-style eatery downstairs, and on the main level is the restaurant with some, but not all, of the original menu.

Confirming what Scattered Frog said, I’ve been there for lunch recently. It’s OK, the menu is limited, and I believe (just from a drive-by one night) that it’s not open for supper.

Is Trattoria 10 the old Italian Village?

Nope. Italian Village is at 71 W. Monroe. If it was ever at 10 N. Dearborn, that was way before my time.