Does anyone know whatever happened to Berke Breathed, undisputed genius who created Bloom County? Yeah, I know, he went on to do Outland for a while (odd little 'toon, all about frolicking about in yer y-fronts), but now what?
More to the point, why should someone so brilliant be allowed to retreat into obscurity? I vote we go storm his house and chain him to his drawing board until Opus and Bill are back with us again.
I agree with you StompyGodzilla. Bloom County was a great strip. I think Breathed lives here in Colorado somewhere, so I’m in on the raid.
If you can find out where he lives, how to deactivate his security systems, get some chloroform, sodium pentathol, a drafting table, assorted pens and pencils and four roles of duct tape we just might pull it off.
I was a huge fan of “Bloom COunty” and a tepid fan of “Outland,” so part of me would be delighted to see Berke Breathed return. On the other hand…
Remember the old show biz adage “always leave them wanting more”? I miss Breathed, just as I miss Gary “Far Side” Larson and Bill “Calvin & Hobbes” Watterston… but better that they leave the cartoon business while we still loved them, than stay forever and ever when they’re no longer funny, no longer funny, and have absolutely nothing interesting to say (like… Garry Trudeau and Charles Schultz since 1980 or so).
Breathed used to live here in Albuquerque. I sold him a jacket when I worked at a mountaineering store. He’d just injured his back in a glider accident. I don’t think he lives here anymore, though.
Yup, fair enough. Totally reasonable point of view, in fact.
However. I fail to believe that someone of Breathed’s incredible imagination and creative talent is simply sitting in the Rockies twiddling his thumbs and staring at his navel. No, damnit – he’s up there writing and/or drawing something brilliant. And he’s not sharing it.
A bit tangential, but the reason, IIRC, that he switched from Bloom County to Outland was that the syndicate (don’t remember which one) had the rights to the strip “Bloom County”, but not to the individual characters. Solution? End the strip, bring the characters back in a new one.
And without trying to start a debate, astorian, there are those who would disagree with your opinion of Schultz’s later work.
Hah, screw you all. I frolicked on the front lawn of the house used as the model for the Bloom County boarding house in Iowa City, Iowa. Now if that ain’t a pilgrimage, I don’t know what is.
I, too, would love to see Breathed back into print or film or TV or something. I often wonder how he’d have treated the late 90s and the turn of the century. I honestly think artists like Breathed and Watterson and Larson should come out once in a while with something new bearing their name on it; not necessarily a daily strip but something that’ll keep them in our collective memories.