Best Buy and Best Buy Gredit may you suffer the stings of fleas

it’s not a NJ thing, rather a good manager instilling a good policy into his/her employees. approx 95% of my customers that do not have signed cards are extremely appreciative (and surprised) when my employees ask for ID

Medea’s Child,

Best Buy got in trouble years ago for bait and switch advertising techniques - so now the stores have to stock a minimum for advertised sales per their legal department.

Stupid, yes. But that is why they were “out of stock” on something they had ten of in the back room.

And since laptops are frequently “on allocation” the supplier can’t always drop ship you one as quickly as needed for a sale arriving. Laptops are notorious for being on allocation.

However - Best Buy should have been able to order the same laptop right there in the store through for the same price and had it shipped to the house. It may not have arrived quite as quick, but better than standing in line in the morning.

Hi. Yeah, look, my dad said he’d buy me a laptop. I’ve got his account number. What? No, really, it’s my dad. No, look, we’ve got the same last name. Yes, I know Smith is pretty common, but it’s my dad. Here, I’ve got a letter from him. Of course I didn’t write it; my dad did. Let me try to sign his name. See how the handwriting’s different? I can’t believe you don’t trust me after all the time we’ve known each oth…OK, well, we haven’t really met, but you’ve seen me buy CDs once or twice. This is bullshit. I’m never shopping at Best Buy again, it’s all your fault, and I’m calling corporate!

Anyone have the link to the identity theft thread handy?

fleas bite.