Best drag queen names

Sheena Verdouches
Ida Nevaseyneva
Ida Slapther

Shelida Hous
Miss Anne Thrope

Iona Trailer.

If I ever do drag, I’m using my LJ name – Anita Mandelay.

I can’t believe nobody has mentioned Philadelphia’s favorite drag queen and host (ess) of Gay Bingo Nights - Carlotta Ttendant!

When I use the porn-star formula (name of 1st pet + name of 1st street you lived on) I get a very drag-queen-ish name: Chin-Chin Tulane.

Mine’s Peaches Greenwood. :smiley:

I think Rachel Tension (with a sequined Confederate Battle Flag dress) is one of the best personas I’ve seen.

What about Kenny Everette"s Cupid Stunt ? All done in the best possible taste.

Isn’t that the name of the lead female character in the new Bond movie?

Joker Pearkes

I end up with Bubbles Stratton.

Mrs. Sippy
Eileen Dover

Exit Idaho. (I love that one. It’s got mystery).

You had a pet named Exit?

Even if that’s only a first name, it sounds weird.

Pepper Mill generated her name this way. When I try it I get Laddy Colfax, which sounds more like a ball player.

I came up with a couple of possibles for myself a little while back:

Jenn deQueer
Madarynne Hell
Mary Jane Bogart
Ophelia Coxwell
Regina Monologue
Jacquelyn Hyde
Andi P. Majority :cool:

A few other possibilities:

Sofonda Dix
Doris Dated
Helen Highwater
Arcana Standitt

I’m also LJing with a Sister of Perpetual Indulgence from Seattle named Tantra Q. Phoria.

Also, one of my favourite RL drag queen names was Her Imperial Highness, The Grand Duchess Tatiana Nevahoydova.

Long story short: I got a teddy bear as a thank you gift when I was 4 years old and a ringbearer in a wedding. When the flower girl asked me what I was going to name it, the first thing I saw was an exit sign. I loved that teddy bear and when we got a kitten, I insisted it was named after my teddy bear.

I got Kristy Kreme.

That’s what my board name generated.

My real name generated Ivana Dick.

The name generator gave me Sofonda Cox.
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