Best examples of movie 'title reveals'?

I loved that movie. I’m a guy, but I identifieds with being a smart kid in an f’d up household.

They made a movie? I acted in that play in high school! :slight_smile: Who’s in it? Is it any good?

I did too? Who were you?

Uh, exclamation point, not question mark, please.

Here’s the imdb on it.

(I don’t know, did you? ;)) I was Beatrice. It was one of the most difficult roles I’ve ever played (I was seventeen, ferchrissakes), but when I nailed it, it was extremely rewarding. Good playwrighting just feels better to work with, doesn’t it?

The Last of Sheila
My all-tome favorite mystery movie. The title doesn’t just mean what it appears to mean. It’s a clever play on words. Read properly, it’s also a clue.

I think someone might have started a thread on the movie not too long ago. My memory might be wonky though. I hadn’t heard of it before, but I did buy a book with the script when I came across it after seeing the thread. It seems like the kind of play that would really benefit from being acted, and not just read, moreso than some other plays I’ve read.

The murder victim is referred to as “The Thin Man” many times in the film. The later “Thin Man” films, however, do not have a Thin Man (though After the Thin Man is as straightforward as Snakes on a Plan – it’s what happens the week after the Thin Man case).

I just saw State and Main; the title is used just once in dialog, about ten minutes before the end of the film.

A Scanner Darkly is another one that fits the bill. When Arctor is sitting on his couch paranoidly monologuing about how the scanners see him. In fact so does Minority Report, speaking of Philip K. Dick adaptations.


Sure, it’s the name of the ship, and Serenity Valley’s critical. But I tell you, people saw the name, wrote it off as a chick-flick.

The meaning of Catch-22 is not revealed until some way into the book, can’t recall when it’s revealed in the movie.

As best I recall, Silent Running never explains its title.

And nowhere in the The Bible is the title explained.

Also, the name could possibly be interpreted as a nod towards what happened on Miranda (not to spoil anything here).

Of course, it’s probably just named after the ship that sheds parts throughout the movie. :smiley:

The clearest example of the OP I can think of was the recent Woody Allen POS Match Point. The fact the protagonist is a Tennis Pro is cursory to the plot and seemed a bit queer to name the film after, of course it all becomes clear at the payoff at the end where the drama comes to a head. Still thought the movie was a piece of shit, but it couldn’t suit the OP much better.

Yeah but you don’t find out the signifigents of that till the end.

I’m not sure if this completely qualifies because I don’t remember if it’s ever explained in the movie or you just have to know what it means to know why it makes sense but **Prick Up Your Ears[/].

“i.e.”?? Really? Surely you’re leaving an awful lot out?

My first thought was “The Color Purple.”

Are you sure about that? I could have sworn it was mentioned only once.

I don’t think the movie ever explained the precise meaning/relevance of “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”, and neither did “Apocalypse Now” or (to tbe best of my recollection) “Midnight Cowboy”.

I think William Friedken’s “Sorceror,” a remake of “The Wages of Fear” was named after one of the trucks, which supposedly was named “Sorceror.” Haven’t seen it, co I can’t say for sure.

I came back to post this one, but you beat me to it.

Although I’ve heard this is the case, and I’ve seen the film (great flick, by the way) a couple of times, I don’t recall ever seeing this or hearing anyone say it. It’s an “unrevealed” title.

I think it confused people mightily when it came out – it gave you the impression the film was maybe about Carlos Castaneda or something. You’d never guess it was a remake of “Wages of Fear”, or about transporting dynamite.