Best Seattle restaurants?

Boom Noodle is just OK and overpriced. Samurai at Uwajimaya is much better. Takohachi and Tsukushinbo are good too.

I very much love Serious Pie, but I make sure to visit Via Tribunali and Tutta Bella when I want pure Napoletana-style pizza.

I’ve eaten at all the foody places in Seattle and the only one that is particularly interesting is Art, in the Four Seasons.

Seattle isn’t really a great city for high cuisine. You’re better to save your money and go to a Thai restaurant. There’s almost no bad Thai food in Seattle.

When I was in Seattle a few weeks ago, I went to… Vol? Vom? Hmm. Fancy steak place. Good steak.

Also some other fancy place near the Westin… didn’t like it as well.