Best way to lose belly?

If you hate running, try swimming or some other form of cardio.

And if lifting weights, don’t just focus on the abs! You can overdevelop your abs, and make your belly seem bigger. Some muscle tone in the abdomen will help holding in the bulgies. A lot of muscle in the abdomen will bulge on its own. With fat on top, maybe. Go low weight, lots of reps.

One problem with most forms of cardio is that they can get boring. To overcome that, you could try joining a gym that has individual TVs on the machines; I have found those to be a godsend and the time just flies by. I like to read but find it hard to do so when I’m using any kind of cardio equipment other than a recumbent stationary bike.

I’ll go with the mob - the only way to get rid of fat is to burn more calories than you consume. Diet and exercise. That’s the only answer, and anyone who tries to tell you different doesn’t know what they’re talking about.

Sounds like unrealistic body image to me. Seriously, anyone who is 5’2" and 105lbs is tiny, and doesn’t need to lose any more weight; you are at the bottom of the normal range of the Body Mass Index. Face it, a flat stomach is not normal. Embrace your pooch, learn to love your pooch; pooch is good.

Thanks, FI! You’re absolutely right. I think I need a little attitude adjustment. Power to the Pooch!

Racketball 3 times a week and doggie walks every day.

So, how ya’ doin’? :wink:

Whenever my belly gets too flat or ab-y (horrible, I know) I give exercise a rest. I love a little pooch on women, and it’s not like cropped tops are (or should ever be) in style.