Best way to remove adhesive residue from skin?

If you look in the drug store with the nail polish remover (right next to the nail polish, as any mother of a teenage girl knows. . .duh!), you’ll find nail polish remover wipes; individually packaged. Some are non-acetone (for use with artificial fingernails) some are acetone. I wouldn’t be surprised if hardware stores carried them, re-packaged in some way, too. But I know I could find them in the drug store.

I think I’ll try mineral oil first, since I have it on hand. Then move to baby wipes if that doesn’t work.

Hmmmm. I wonder if the moist flushable bathroom wipes might work, too? I’ve got those. Maybe I’ll give it a shot.

>If you look in the drug store with the nail polish remover…individually packaged. Some … are acetone.

Well, how splendid! I have to have some! Thanks!
>as any mother of a teenage girl knows. . .duh!

You realize how odd it sounds to me that you know about getting these things in a drugstore and don’t know whether and how hardware stores sell them. How differently the other half works, eh?

Well then. So much for my suggestion. Goo Gone would at least be cheaper, probably.

Indeed! Viva la difference! :cool:

My favorite adhesive removal stuff evar:


Smells nice, completely non-irritating and it WORKS. I use it mainly to remove bandages from my dogs, who have very thin skin that tears easily. I dribble some on the adhesive and it zips right off. Paraffin is the main active ingredient, IIRC.

You should be able to get it at a drugstore that sells ostomy supplies. It won’t cost as much as it says on that site either. I think the last time I got some it was about $5 a bottle, and you won’t need much for your purposes.

I’d also say naptha/spot remover, which in moderation isn’t irritating to the skin.

Acetone is easily obtained a one of the big box hardware stores. Also good for removing oil, grease, paint, etc. It was the hand cleaner of choice at the glue factory.

I wish I’d known about this after I got out of having a 24 hour Holter monitor test done – I had perfectly round rashes on my torso for a while. :mad: :frowning:

Don’t be ridiculous.

Fire could burn down the whole house and then where would she be?

Sandpaper is a much better choice.

Yes, it too could destroy the whole house but you’d have to really work HARD and most people would give up before they’d reduced the place to a pile of wood shavings and dust. :wink:

I actually came in here to suggest peanut butter - doesn’t run like mineral oil would.


Well, now you’re just being silly. I would never waste perfectly good peanut butter on such a thing; I’d rather live with the residue! :wink:

Anyway, mineral oil doesn’t run if you put it on a cotton ball!

Noxema works just as well as mineral oil. I use it to remove the sticky residue that price tags leave on glassware.

Nah, waste of resources. You don’t really need that paper backing, try sandblasting.

Wow, I don’t have much of an ass now. If I sandblasted it every week, 'twouldn’t take long to disappear altogether. . .

Didn’t expect to see this thread pop up again. I don’t think Norine is going to need to worry about this problem anymore. She died a while back.

To remove adhesive residue from your skin, those sticky rings, or squares :rolleyes:
I use morroccan argan oil, which I spray on my hair, maybe any oil will do the trick but this is what I used. :slight_smile:

Zombie threads are particularly poignant when the OP isn’t with us anymore.

After reading this thread and lindy13.s post I decided to try my John Frieda Frizz-Ease 100% shine spray on some cotton balls…MIRACLE! I have been wearing a heart monitor for several days and moving it around because it is so irritating. This stuff cleaned the gunk right off!

Ether this or that.