Seriously its gotten to the point where every time she opens her mouth I want to bitch slap her. She has way too much power and say over the ship. We are not even going to talk about her brining that prig Westley on board since he’s gone now, but I just. Cannot. Stand. Her!
She is incredibly bleeding heart and this is coming from a bleeding heart lib! Here, examples:
Symbiosis - insists the enterprise get involved despite being called on the carpet for losing her professional detachment
The High Ground - refuses Picard’s direct orders to return to the ship and gets kidnapped! As a direct result! And we are supposed to care!
Suddenly Human - insists the boy’s injuries MUST be evidence of past abuse, judging him only by human standards and not by the standards he was raised in. Nearly gets Picard killed.
Ethics - pouts and stomps that Worf won’t listen to her and regain 60% of his mobility. Riker’s role was so much better done. Has the temerity to lecture the other doctor, who was in the wrong, but in the end, it is worf’s choice!
I, Borg - last straw. Insists they “rescue” and bring aboard a member of the Collective!
TNG is overly sanctimonious as it is but I can ignore most of it. I can no longer ignore Crusher. So Season 5, Episode 23, is where I call it quits. NO MORE BEVERLY!!!/
I fully endorse this pitting.
And for desert, I’d like to add: Up the Long Ladder: that episode wherein the crew gets all pissy because a dying colony of humans had the gal to ask (then steal) for some of the crews DNA so they can keep their colony viable.
But no, the crew couldn’t have any of that, instead they forced them to shack up with a bunch of Irish Space hillbillies.
What was the one where she goes to her Gran’s hoose on Planet Scotland Stereotype and falls in love with some raffish ghost and it turns out he was an alien living in a candle that used to seduce her grandmother because molecular cohesion? God I hated that one.
Beverly was the poster child for STNGs bleeding heart problems. All the crew were guilty of being Morally Superior to Star Fleet. But she seemed to be the spokesperson for that way of thinking.
I always wanted to hear her say, “Have they met their co-pay? No? Fuck 'em.”
Sub Rosa, not the only episode where a member of the crew has sex with an energy being.
How about Suspicions, where Dr. Crusher decides to play detective in a murder case, against the captain’s orders, even though she is not a trained investigator? And causes an interstellar incident by dissecting a dead Ferengi against the family’s wishes.
I hated that episode for all the reasons everyone else does, plus something more.
The funeral for the granny had the traditional statement, from the Anglican prayer book, but they chopped off the last part to “de-religion” it.
Ashed to ashed, dust to dust, in the sure and certain hope she will live forever in our hearts. That italicized bit should be of the resurrection unto eternal life.
That was so amazingly racist I wonder if Roddenberry was ever wronged in some way by an irishman. Seriously, they managed to cram in just about every stereotype there is about the irish, short of sheep buggering.
Crusher wasn’t actually in “Up the Long Ladder” -that was Pulaski. I also hated “Ethics” but if I had to choose between Crusher and Pulaski, well… I’d pick Selar.
I hated Dr. Pulaski mainly because of her bizarre anti-Data bigotry. Yeah, yeah, I get that they were trying to get the Bones/Spock dynamic* but Spock understood what Bones was doing Spock could fight back where Data couldn’t, Spock wasn’t in actual danger of losing his rights and being dissected and Data was, and Bones never seriously tried to cut Spock up to see what he’s like inside and Pulaski did.
Overall she’s a better character (although Crusher is way hotter ) but the weird…let’s call it racism for lack of a better word was creepy.
That said, if she was ever called out on it, that would have been a whole 'nother issue. But it seemed like everyone more-or-less approved of it.
*Which…doesn’t really hold up that well. Read “big-lipped savage” or “yellow-skinned monkey” for “green-blooded icicle” and it really has a bad vibe although it wasn’t meant that way.
She is so not hot. And it was pretty clear Jean Luc was not. I never understood what he saw in her anyway. The thief he met on one of his vacations was better, for heaven’s sake.
I liked Pulaski better, too, and I think an excellent plot would have been to make her learn that Data was a person, and to apologize, and to grow. I mean what a fucking concept! A ST character has a major flaw! Character growth! They don’t just start out perfect!
Nope, she has ruined it for me. I roll my eyes every time we even have to see her on screen.