Biden Is President, Congress Is Blue. Now What?

Some of these things are not like the others. Yeah, in 2020+ let’s exclude people from public office based on the profession or other identity of someone they choose to sleep with or crude yet not immoral remarks or thoughts. Sorry, there should be no puritanical standards. There is really little or no moral difference between this and banning someone who dated a trans, identified as bi, posed for provocative pictures, etc. I’m anti-Trump on the issues and basic common sense and general decency, but his Clintonian personal life exploits (I am speaking of consensual behavior, not the assaults, to be clear) are not the reason he is a terrible President and should not be a litmus test or standard in any way.

The one possibility I see for that is the aftermath of serious attempts to arbitrarily negate Biden state victories and give the electors to Cheato. That would produce a level of demand for an amendment that would generate economically damaging boycotts of states that refused to go along.

What do you think Biden will do on immigration?

What will he do if there are massive surges at the border like when we have seen these large immigrant caravans coming up?

What will Biden do if we have another summer of protests if there are additional killings of POC’s by police? How will he handle BLM?

Probably work with Congress to simplify the process of immigration. Continue reasonable efforts to secure our southern border. Not separate children from their parents. Not have a ban on Muslims.

What do you think he will do?

I don’t think BLM needs to be “handled.” Not sure what you mean by that.

As for protests, I assume he will stop trying to backtrack on efforts for police accountability, like the consent decrees that Trump has undermined. That should help cool off the protesters a little. I imagine he’ll also let state and local authorities figure out what it best, and offer federal assistance if asked. Mostly, I expect he won’t fan the flames of resentment and misinformation, and will support full investigations of any questionable police shooting.

I suspect he’ll behave like a mature, intelligent, compassionate and responsible leader and adult.

Oh no, are the caravans back?

He will admit them, then follow up with a hearing to see if they really are in need of asylum. Just as we have done every year before trump.

Well, since the caravans magically vanished the day after the 2018 election, I don’t see why it would be necessary to do anything about them.

(It retrospect, the GOP should have saved their “magically vanish” card for the coronavirus, but who knew at the time, amirite?)

Will he push the Equality Act allowing all men who identify as women to compete in women’s sports and compete for athletic scholarships reserved for women?

The democrats had Bloomberg as a candidate and he was previously only a businessman.

Well, he was mayor of some little hicktown in southern New York state.

This. The talking heads on Fox will have this on an endless loop.

By 2024, Republicans will be blaming President Biden for personally bringing Covid into the country.

Democrats should not make Obama’s mistake. You cannot work with Republicans. Don’t even try. Treat them like an infestation in the halls of congress. Ignore them.

We didn’t HAVE Bloomberg as a candidate. Bloomberg foisted himself on us as a candidate. At least until Professor Senator Warren handed him his incredibly wealthy ass in the debates.

Maybe so. Maybe that’s OK. If the Republican party falls apart, maybe it would be good for the Democrats to swallow the same poison, so we can replace both parties with something better. Cold hard truth… the Democrats failed to stop Trump in 2016. It’ll be nice if they win on Tuesday, but all the damage of the past 4 years happened because they weren’t effective enough in stopping or even mitigating it.

I have always said that if you don’t understand the difference between liberals and conservatives, it helps to put “capitalist” after their title. When we understand it’s a fight between liberal capitalists and conservative capitalists, then we see the enmity between the two is largely the narcissism of small differences, and we see the contrast with movements that might replace them.

Thing is libs hate Trump, I dont see any major love for Biden either.

What will the dems do if he proves to be an ineffective leader?

Will all the celebrities stay behind him? Will the MSM keep supporting him?

Why, our disgruntlement will be total and we will rally towards Tom Cotton during the next four years. Or maybe Junior, whoever says they love America the loudest.

  1. We don’t have to love Biden, we respect and trust him though.
  2. Not sure what you mean by “ineffective leader.” He’s the chief executive. He just has to do his job.
  3. Celebrities? That’s rich. Irrelevant

Biden has a long and established track record. At the very least, he is competent, and knowledgeable in the ways of Washington, and is well bipartisanly acquainted and connected with Congress. And a president depends heavily on his Cabinet and other advisors and appointees to carry out all his plans. There is every likelihood that Biden will surround himself with competent and professional-quality people – much the opposite of what Trump has done.