Big Bang Theory 11/16--"The Adhesive Duck Deficiency

I’ve never heard Kunal speak out of character. Does he have a discernible Indian accent?

He’s actually from India, so yes.

Yes… But it made me wonder something… Wasn’t her singing proven to be horrible in previous eps when she was supposed to sing on stage?

I think this was meants as another joke That she got looped on meds and could suddenly sing. :stuck_out_tongue:

It was entertaining and certainly well above what other things are trying to pass for comedy these days. I do agree with the above poster that said it’s becoming the “Sheldon Show.”

While that character is great, the others have a lot of potential too, and I hope the writers don’t take the easy way out and focus on Sheldon at the expense of trying to develop the others especially Raj and Howard.

I love watching Sheldon and Penny interact. Their personalities play off each other so well. It makes for great entertainment!

The stoned camping scenes were lame for the most part, although they did have some funny lines.

The Sheldon/Penny plot was great as usual though.

Was that a reference to Watership Down?
I have to say one of the reasons I LOVE this show is b/c of the deep seated nerd references and injokes…Almost like the Simpsons! …The episode when Leonard’s mom comes and he tells Penny how he built the hug machine was a reference to Temple Grandin.

She’s sung Soft Kitty plenty of times before. So it may be that her singing ability comes & goes at the plot requires.

We/ve just started watching this show this season, so I have to ask - what’s the story behind “Soft Kitty”?

Raj’s “King of the Bunnies” obsession reminded me more of the game Black & White, which is even nerdier than Watership Down.

And even though the writers used the tired old “unknowingly stoned on brownies/cookies” cliche, I thought they added a bit of life to it.

I think the origin is that Sheldon’s mother sang it to him when he was a child. There have been couple episodes where he’s been sick (in some way or another) and has asked Penny to sing it while tending to him (creature of habit that he is). This episode it was Penny turning the tables.

Ah! That adds a lot more to that scene. Thanks.
[nitpick]Speaking of that scene - Sheldon came in at the wrong place, didn’t he? He came in a verse sooner than she had prompted him to, although it still worked.[/nitpick]

I skipped the howard/leonard/Raj plot at the campsite, I thought it was boring. The sheldon & penny plot was very interesting & funny. Although, they could have thought of something better than a dislocated shoulder to incapacitate penny. I mean, you can still stand if your shoulder hurts.

I loved this episode. I didn’t mind the high scenes so much. I thought they were actually pretty funny for a basically worn out joke. Of course, every second of Sheldon/Penny is always hilarous. I was psyched when I saw that it was Penny/Sheldon episode because they have such great chemistry.

I thought one of the funniest lines (or not line- but gesture) was when Leonard asked Raj to slow down the rotation Earth for him, and Raj did. It was laugh out loud funny because it was so unexpected. Then Leonard thanked him, and that was funny as well.

Anyway, I love this show.

I still love this show, but the characters’ reactions to Sheldon is getting old. Whenever he goes off on one of his episodes (pretty much any time he is speaking), the other characters in the scene look at him in total disgust. Cue the eye-rolls. It’s one-dimensional & tiresome. Sheldon is at his funniest when one of the other characters is enjoying him/herself.

Anyone who really spent that much time around the guy would have to find him extremely amusing. If not, there would be no reason to have him around as a friend.

It’s only been 48 hours, but “I’ll just put down ‘in progress.’” has already entered the lexicon at our house.

Personally, I found the desert scenes amusing, if not side-splitting. Where else on TV would you ever find an “I love you” brisket?

I noticed that too, and I’d even argue that it worked better this way.

Initially, Penny sang, “Soft kitty, warm kitty, little bar of fur…” and instructed Sheldon to come in at that point. She had to sing at least two verses for the benefit of the audience, in order to demonstrate the song. For performance purposes though, it made more sense for Sheldon to jump in after the first verse.

It was one of my favorites.

And I loved the throwaway line slamming HBO for still showing 10 year old reruns of Real Sex.

I thought he squinched up his face just like Hiro in Heroes - to stop time! (Ok - slow down time.)

I loved this episode.

I initially thought he was feeling the forces of gravity pulling him down. I thought that would have been funnier but I was still cracking up when I realized I was wrong.