Big Brother at the Blood Bank

OK. I’m officially creeped-out now. Big Brother runs the Blood Bank.

I donate blood fairly regularly to the Red Cross, despite having a horrible case of White-Coat Syndrome and hating tha actual process mightily. Recently, my mother, a member of a regional blood bank, had her periodic call for a donation, but she’s no longer able to donate due to a bout of hepatitis. In the past, my various siblings have provided, but since I’ve left off travelling the globe, I’m available, and I got the call to help-out.

When I called up to schedule an appointment, the scheduling nurse asked for my social security number. Now, I’m generally reluctant to give out this kind of info, but she was insistant that it was necessary, so I gave over. Here’s the part that made my hair stand on end: I hear ‘clickety’ noises, and then she says “Oh, there’s your medical history. Nice and complete…”.

How the hell did she get my medical history? She’s not my spouse or doctor, so why does she have access to my Medical History? Did I sign away something I shouldn’t have? Was there fine print that I missed in one of the donor cards the Red Cross hands out? Did someone pass a law I’m unaware of? Did the Navy rat me out?

What gives?!

My local Red Cross can call up my complete blood giving history – for example, they knew immediately that I wasn’t eligible to give blood for another 3 days.

Perhaps that’s what the woman meant.

i recently joined the Navy reserve and between the pokes and blood draws they did a DNA sample too…tell me that aint goin’ out on every database…I have never committed a crime that would use DNA as evidence…and not I’m afraid too…

Nah, the DNA bank samples aren’t even processed until you’ve died, or a body that might be you turns up while you’re missing.

Welcome to the SDMB, and welcome to the Nav. Go Navy!

kunilou, Perhaps, but I got the distinct impression, based upon some of the rather specific questions asked by the interviewer when I donated, that there was rather more info than just my donation history.