Big Love Season Finale: March 7, 2010

Right? My first thought was: Ok, sans Indians, Bill, how do you plan on having an Indian casino?

When JJ was getting the petri dish out of the fridge he says to Niki “I recently borrowed something from our daughter that will help reunite our loving family.”

JJ took eggs from Cara Lynn and paired them with…most likely his sperm…and was going to implant them in Niki. He may have done the same with Adaleen.

That’s why there’s so much evidence of inbreeding in Kansas but not in the marriage logs. None of the children “belong” to the mothers they are born to, they’re all IVF from Walker sperm and/or eggs.

Blowing up JJ - and all of the eggs - was the smartest thing that’s happened on this show thus far.

Good summary but you left out the very good reason that Don’s son was angry at Bill. And didn’t Sarah decide to move to Portland, Oregon, not Washington State? In any case, I thought the scene where she announced this plan was hilarious. Barb, Nicki and Margene seemed to think that she was moving into a den of iniquity or Sodom.

He worked with the tribal council to oust Jerry and Tommy, so presumably he’ll be working with some other member of the tribe.

Ha! I knew there was going to be a payoff with Lois looking speculatively at whatshername’s parrot last season.

I kind of think maybe I need to watch it. Seriously, eggnapping! Most people would have given up on Bones, say, when they had that episode where Bones and Booth had to go BE CIRCUS PEOPLE. Me, I figured it had finally gotten good. I’d rather have insane giving-up-ness than consistent mediocrity.

Oops! Makes more sense that way. Still, he’s nabbed himself some new enemies.

Don’t be so sure about Bill not getting arrested. Merely living a polygamist lifestyle is illegal in Utah even when there’s no fraud or incest and everyone involved is a consenting adult. True, under normal circumstances the state wouldn’t bother prosectuting someone like Bill, but after this? The entire political establishment of Utah will be against Bill. At the very least the Senate could refuse to allow him to take his seat, at worst the Attorney-General (or local DA) decides to to hell with standard procedure and makes an example out of Bill (forcing him to defend himself in court).

And let’s not forget Margene. Is ICE going suddenly forgive her if she divorces Goran (who’ll be deported and never allowed to set foot in this country again) now? Nobody, not even Margene, brough up that she’s facing jail time (and she’s just sat through an interview where the ICE agent warned her of that).

I’m so fucking disappointed with Barb. She’s so fucking pathetic. They built everything up to suggest that she’d leave Bill. When he introduced her I though she was going to walk out of the room, but noooo. She get’s up and stands at Bill’s side and smiles. They all hold hands (& the wives are dressed in red, white, & blue) and Bill’s testimony has been fufilled. :mad::mad:

Yeah, it was bizarre that they just left Adaleen there on her own and didn’t even try to capture JJ (who’s not getting far with scissors in his back even if she did miss the spinal column). It was worth it for the payoff. Notice how Adaleen poured gasoline around them, but not on them? :wink: She wanted them to survive as long as possible. There is another possiblity. Bill didn’t forget about Adaleen. He left her there with JJ on purpose. Hell, maybe he help her catch JJ and tie him up. He new exactly what she would do. And by burning down the clinic hasn’t she destroyed the evidence of JJ’s scheme (or can the authorities figure out what happened with DNA tests alone :confused:). Dr Rocket (who undermedicated her) is still loose.

BTW, anyone else notice that it was a different actor from the last time we saw him playing Don’s son?

So many things bothered me about this season, this episode, but the one that sticks in my craw the most is:

Bill introduced Nikki and Margene and they were identified individually.

Hey guys, hope no one at the DA’s office says “Wait, the blond says she was Margene. Does that mean that Roman Grant’s daughter worked here last year?” (or really, by one of the show’s contradictory timelines just 3 weeks ago). We know that one ADA knew, but no one else did. He let it go, but not everyone in law enforcement would

The thing I couldn’t get over–Nicki and Bill just LEFT Adaleen there? Knowing that JJ’s been stabbed, that Adaleen’s been in a drugged stupor for god knows how long? Their thought is, “Yeah, let’s just get the hell out–I’m sure this will end well.” Lazy ass writing.