Seems like most threads discussing climate change inevitably have someone talk about how evil Big Oil secretly funds all the Climate Change denialism going on. Therefore, I decided to look it up myself. Here’s what I’ve found out, essentially any company you would possibly thing of as Big Oil seems to openly agree the climate change as a result of human activities is real and that efforts to curb greenhouse gas emissions are important.
Don’t believe me? Well, here’s the proof.
Here’s what the major integrated oil companies have to say.
Effective strategies must include putting policies in place that start the world on a path to reduce emissions while recognizing that addressing GHG emissions is one among other important world priorities, such as economic development, poverty eradication and public health.
warming of the climate system is unequivocal, and is in large part due to an increase in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from human activities
Royal Dutch Shell
CO2 emissions must be reduced to avoid serious climate change
The use of fossil fuels to meet the world’s energy needs is a contributor to an increase in greenhouse gases (GHGs)—mainly carbon dioxide (CO2 )—in the Earth’s atmosphere.
The consensus in the scientific community, especially the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), is that greenhouse gas emissions have an impact on climate and that an international effort is necessary to keep the resultant temperature increase to 2°C to 2100.
Eni has defined a Carbon Management Strategy to reduce climate changing emissions in compliance with the principles set forth in international conventions, including the principles of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol.
Repsol, SA
Repsol has been recognised for its policy on transparency and the adoption of best measures in the fight against climate change.
Here’s what the large independent oil and gas companies have to say.
We recognize that human activity, including the burning of fossil fuels, is contributing to increased concentrations of greenhouse gas (GHG) in the atmosphere that can lead to adverse changes in global climate.
Occidental Petroleum Corp
Oxy continues to pursue measures to manage and control GHG emissions
EOG Resources, Inc.
EOG supports efforts to understand and address the contribution of human activities to global climate change through the application of sound scientific research and analysis. In addition, the company believes that the reduction of air emissions throughout its operations is both in the best interests of the environment and a prudent business practice. A safety and environmental update that includes climate change issues is presented to the EOG Board of Directors annually.
Anadarko Petroleum Corp.
At Anadarko, we recognize the need to reduce GHG emissions, particularly CO2 and methane (CH4), which have emerged as concerns in the global community.
Apache Corp.
At Apache, managing and reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions has become an important part of our operations.
Devon Energy Corp.
Devon has also established a GHG Issues Team to monitor greenhouse gas emission and global-warming issues. Representatives of Devon’s Environmental, Health, and Safety Department serve on the team and provide advice to senior management and the Board of Directors on global climate change issues. The team also provides updates on emission reduction efforts and initiatives that could potentially affect our business.
Hess Corp.
We recognize that climate change is a global environmental concern with potentially significant consequences for society, including the energy industry.
Here’s what the large state owned national oil companies have to say.
Saudi Aramco
Saudi Aramco shares the world’s concern that climate change is a long-term challenge
Protecting the environment and countering the adverse global climate change has become a business our company is conducting.
Climate change: Pemex is carrying out direct mitigation actions (reduced gas flaring, more energy efficiency and cogeneration) with which it managed to cut CO2 emissions
Kuwait Petroleum Corp.
We will maintain a strong commitment towards reducing our greenhouse gas emissions and overall environmental footprint.
Several studies indicate that increased greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated to the energy and transport sectors is a consequence of the surging consumption of energy, especially coming from fossil fuels. Therefore, we are committed to understand the impact our activity has on climatic conditions and to deploying measures to mitigate them.
Qatar Petroleum
Ratification of the UNFCCC agreement in 1996 and Kyoto Protocol in 2006 obligating Qatar to take up voluntary actions to minimize Climate Change Impacts.
Just like the entire global community, we are deeply concerned about the man-caused environmental impact and climate change.
Statoil acknowledges the scientific consensus on human-induced climate change, and supports the efforts of the UN and its member states to agree on and implement necessary climate measures to reach the required global ambition level to prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system.
Have I shown every oil company in existence? No, I basically made a list and systematically went through it until I was convinced. Who else that you consider Big Oil do you want to see?
So, I guess I’d like it to be considered settled that Big Oil agrees that climate change is real. Any disagreements with that?