bigbabysweets2000 has left the board

Big Booty Stuffed 2 Knickers

With Tabasco sauce, perhaps.


Been Bi Since 2000?

Be Back Soon to Kill?

Well, damn. Now we have to come up with a new MMP nickname for you since you adopted your current one as your new ID. How could you do that to us! Good grief. Making more work for everyone.

And you do realize this means that you have to send FCM more chocolate love offerings and Swampy more beer, too, right?

Using my OFB just because I keep forgetting to use this sig. So yah knows!

Heh heh heh… I know what his original name meant.

Heh heh heh…

But I ain’t sayin’.

Heh heh heh…

I’m just sittin’ here gigglin’ quietly.









But I can find out.



I know exactly what you are talking about. I am really surprised some asshole hasn’t pointed out that it should be “bitching in the Pit about politically correct minutiae.”

Too bad Mariah doesn’t play D&D. She cares not about your protectios or wards, she just cares how many sucker marks she can get on your most sensitive of bits.