Bill Clinton, Secretary of State?

Okay, say that Hillary wins the White House in '08, and that she decides because the US desperately needs to rebuild it’s international image the best person for the job is Bill. Now, AFAIK, there’s no legal reason that this couldn’t happen, so I’m wondering if it could happen (and it could happen even if a Dem other than Hillary was elected President), if it’d be a good idea, and if it would help rehabilitate us in the eyes of the world.

It seems like it would be a good idea no matter who wins the White House, from either party.

I saw the guy in action when he was prez, and the man knows how to work people. He’s imposing and extremely personable, but a tough negotiator when necessary. I think he’d do a helluva job.

If the Senate remains Republican, it’ll never happen. There’s absolutely no way that Bill Clinton will set foot in the White House in any official capacity again as long as there are enough Republicans to block his nomination, especially if there’s a way to make it look like they’re simply fighting nepotism (i.e., if Hillary’s the president who noms him).

And as much of a good SoS as he may make, it would be a truly politically stupid move on Hillary’s part. If she were elected, she’d already be facing a country at least as divided as we were over Bush/Gore and Bush/Kerry (because face it, Hillary’s not exactly universally loved), and tin-eared actions like the OP would be disastrous.

At this level, there’s plenty of precedent for nepotism. Who squawked when JFK appointed his brother RFK as attorney general?

It ain’t gonna happen. Hillkary might be our next president, but Bill has his positive legacy to secure, which he’s doing a very good job of at present. He has nothing to gain from taking on an office that is easy to take pot shots at. He would serve Hillary best on a PR level by sticking to his present role, which I think he just loves.

Yeah…but JFK wasn’t a Clinton. It’s situational. The nepotism charge wouldn’t necessarily hold water, it would be the excuse for the intensely concerted rejection of the nomination. And something to wave in the air to drum up public opinion against HRC.

My understanding is that it was widely criticized at the time, although eventually, when he proved himself capable, the criticism died down. I don’t have a cite, but every thumbnail biography I’ve read includes a mention that there was at least somewhat of an uproar.

Bill’s appointment as Sec of State would be at least as controverisal as that. However, I think an appointment as Ambassador to the UN would be likely to receive general approval, regardless of what president makes the apopintment.

Suggestions of nepotism would be absurd on their face. It ain’t nepotism if the person really is the best for the job. Bill Clinton is a former US President whose experience and ability in diplomacy are pretty much unassailable. He is arguably the most qualified person in the country to be a Secretary of State. Nepotism is when Bush tried to install his housekeeper (or whatever she was) on the Supreme Court. Clinton would be on the shortlist for SOS for any Democratic President (and probably any Republican one as well).

Any cries of nepotism for an appointment by Hillary would just sound like transparently partisan whining (which is exactly what it would be). There is no way that kind of charge would gain any public traction or have any political effect. It just wouldn’t pass the laugh test. Even the people saying it would know it was a crock.

I agree that Clinton would make a fine diplomat, but it’s absurd to discount the issue of nepotism. It’s a conflict of interest to hire your immediate family irrespective of the professional rationale.

For the Record, I doubt that HRC would appoint him anyway. If Bill were ever to take the SOS gig it would probably be with a Democratic (or conceivably Republican) Prez who was not Hillary.

I agree with Diogenes. If President Hillary Clinton appointed Secretary of State Bill Clinton, many foreign countries would start assuming Bill was really running the show and his wife was a figurehead.

Even Lurleen Wallace didn’t appoint George to an official post.

Though I agree with your basic thesis I’d have to nitpick. First, the State Department =/ The White House; second; he could easily be Chief of Staff or some other such staffer not subject to the approval process.

Would there be any constitutional issues involved, since the SoS is 4th in line to the throne, I mean presidency? I know it would be for VP, but perhaps it’s not for anyone further down in the pecking order.

No. They would just skip over him if it came to him having to assume the role of POTUS.

Well, when Bill was President many people said that Hillary was running the show, and that didn’t seem to have too negative impact on his Presidency. Would Hillary have as much trouble getting Carter as SoS, I wonder?

I don’t see what’s so great about Carter, but he’ll be 84 in 2008. Too old. People think McCain might be too old for president and he’s 12 years younger.

I’m guessing most of the people who really believed Hillary was running the country are the same crowd that believed she was a lesbian who killed Vince Foster and Bill Clinton was a druglord who was screwing girl scouts. Not, in other word, the people you’re likely to encounter at a G7 meeting.