Bill Maher last Friday {2023-10-06}

Was gonna post this in Cafe Society, but he’s just pissed me off so much that it goes here instead.
Sorta like I stupidly did in P+E, Maher ripped into Biden about building a new section of border wall without bothering to acknowledge, not even once, that Congress had been repeatedly asked to rescind the money for the wall, but those jagovs refused to do so.
Bad enough that the MSM hasn’t made this clear enough, which should be headline-worthy, but I expected a bit more from Bill, who not only whined about it in his monolgue, but also later on with his panel. It would have been the perfect opportunity to steer people right on this issue, but instead, he dropped the ball. Fucking badly.
Sure, a small pitting, heh, but feeling a bit better now. :slightly_smiling_face:

I earnestly expect the pompous old asshole to endorse either DeSantis or RFK Jr any day now.

Fuck Bill Maher. Pitting endorsed. He’s sucked for a few years now.

Asshole rants about ageism for three years straight, then goes off on Joe Bader Biden.

I already posted earlier, but Beau of the Fifth Column calls this malicious compliance. They built the minimum wall, half the height that Trump wanted, and made it portable, so it can be repurposed later.

Unlike a static wall, a movable wall in certain locations can actually be advantageous.

Why would you expect more from Bill? He’s a prominent anti-vaxxer and pushes misinformation (particularly about Covid) as part of his schtick. Only a fool would trust anything out of his mouth.

I stopped watching him decades ago. Haven’t regretted that decision once.

I should’ve qualified that the expectation was by no means a great one. There is so much to Bill that I’ve disregarded over the years (like of course the anti-vax/covid dingbattery), as he consistently goes further downhill in not just his views, but also humour, so that it’s gotten to the point over the past, oh, ten-ish years where I’ll tune in if he might have a half-interesting guest, like last Friday’s Keygan-Micheal Key, or see if I might snag the odd chuckle from his opening.

Bill Maher couldn’t find the ball if he used both hands while wearing crotchless Underoos.

Has everyone in this thread gone from being a fan of Bill Maher to being a disparager of him?

Nah. I’ve always hated him.

I’ve always strongly disliked assholes, of any stripe, whether I agree with anything they’re saying or not. That guy is just an asshole.

I’m still a moderate fan. Been pretty constant with me over the years. I certainly don’t share all of his opinions, but I don’t put him in the “asshole” column. I get why others might.

No, I never paraged him to start. Only dis. :grin:

Count me as someone who was never a fan. I’ve always found him too smug and too much in love with himself, and never funny.

He’s always been a dick-head, but he’s gotten worse over the years. He’s a complete clown, now in my opinion. “I didn’t leave the party, the party left me”. No, Bill. Reality’s left you. He’s not as smart as his pretentious ass thinks he is, but I think he’s perceived to be ‘Old Man Yells At Clouds’, these days.

Watch John Oliver instead.

Certainly prefer him, indeed.

I was never really a fan, but I didn’t think he was all that bad, just annoying smarmy in his delivery. And even as I started to actively dislike him, there was the occasional clip I’d see online that I’d think made a point.

But someone here linked a segment where he compared “wokeism” with the Cultural Revolution (in China) that I realized he was just deliberately appealing to right wingers now. I checked the comments, and they were all pretty much right wingers welcoming him to their side. It went around right wing TikTok, even.

I used to find him merely annoying. Then I saw his take on the Gabby Petito murder, which essentially boiled down to “Look at these stupid millennials who think they’re famous! Why don’t they get real jobs like me, a humble working man?”

If you have 20 minutes to spare, here’s a video essay that breaks down most of the reasons I’ve come to actively despise him.
He’s a particularly a moron in this “rant”.

He has a problem with people watching video game competitions. He’s like, “I understand it… I understand it’s dumb”, (something along those lines, probably mentioned in Smapti’s link). I mean, seriously? Is he not a sports fan? I’m not saying video games are “sports”, I’m just saying, I doubt he’d scold Chess game spectators.

(How exactly do I post YouTube links?)

Well I’ll admit to thinking much more of him in the past. When Politically Incorrect debuted on Comedy Central, I thought it was a breath of fresh air. In those days, pre-internet (mostly) and pre-thousand different cable/streaming channels, discussion of politics and global events was largely limited to “very serious” news shows with “very serious” people. PI brought an accessibility, humor, and real people-ness to news discussion that was sorely missing. In my mind, at least, PI’s success led to the even more valuable Daily Show, then Colbert Report, Last Week Tonight, and so many more. Even Maher’s 9/11 comments that led to the show’s cancellation I don’t consider entirely wrong, just really tone deaf.

But then maybe that’s where things started to go wrong. I kind of thought PI’s cancellation was a raw deal, so I thought its resurrection as Real Time was a good thing, but maybe Bill took the wrong lesson from it. That being “real” meant being a douchebag without consequences or self-examination. Or he became one of those “very serious” people who thinks they know how everyone should think about an issue. These days I mostly just shake my head at how ill informed or out of touch his supposedly highly informed opinions are, much the way I think about those news shows PI was meant to be better than.