billfish678 doesn't like loud motorcycles

OK, now you’re getting creepy…

Forgot to add, billfish978, that you’re making me feel rather teased. You let on it the Cliven Bundy thread that you would really display that incisive wit that everybody talks about if only I started this thread, and you’re hardly participating at all. It was good of Kambuckta to take time out from making an ass of himself complaining about roadside memorials and Trinopus …well, he tried and that is worth something. But this thread is about you, big guy!

Huh, seems more like it’s about you.

I actually want to see the post that billfish978 finds so damning. If Scumpup is vocally against straight pipes, as he claims, then a quotation of his to the contrary would be interesting.

Not particularly interesting, mind. Of a certain “I’m bored on a snow day” interest.

What say, billfish? I still haven’t seen a link to Scum’s hypocrisy.

Don’t worry about it billfish, you’re making sense to me. Well, maybe that is something to worry about then.

Yes…yes it is :slight_smile:

You guy’s are going to make me tell the whole sad story aren’t you?

I’ve got a shitty task ahead. Maybe my baser instincts will kick in and I will waste time here rather that getting shit done.

Oh Billy boy! The pipes are calling you…

You know who else had annoyingly loud pipes?

Actually, I like bagpipes.

Geez, now I feel like that famous Greek sailing dude.

Okay… the call of the Pipes and the shittyness of the task ahead have conspired to make me respond to this.

Note. This may well be in parts. Because of a shitty computer, a shitty SDMB, and a shitty connection I ain’t typing out a long ass post to just have it vanish into the night.

Part one:

There was recent thread. Where someone was (IMO rightfully) bitching about people in cars pulling up to places where people eat shit. They leave their lights on and the people inside said place get to enjoy getting blinded until clueless assholes turn of the fucking lights. Said thread made me realize some people are stupid, some people don’t understand basic geometry and some people have never eaten at a place that has a window…but I digress…

Part Two.

So, I chime in that said assholes piss me off too. I also make an offhand comment that these people are about as bad (I don’t recall my exact position on the pecking order) as those penis substitute bike riders with “loud pipes” who pull into a parking lot and keep idling for another five minutes…noise polluting the shit outa everything in a 2 mile radius.

Part three.

Well, Scumpup…Scum for short…get’s all bent outa shape about that…which is actually ironic given he is a “quite pipes” person himself. But apparently I insulted his people or some such shit.

Anyway, after me insulting his tribe, he notes that I wouldn’t say stuff like that to his fellow tribe members. Which is probably true. But the fact that his tribe would beat the crap outa me for having gall to insult them about shitty behavior doesn’t exactly paint a favorable picture IMO either.

Kamby is a she(ila).

I only asked for a link.

Part 4.

So, Scum leaves said thread in a huff. Said thread dies a quite (heh) death.

Now, the Bundy’s at it again thread surfaces.

A bunch of stupid assholes take over some federal property because freedom or something.

A handful of people (including myself) express the opinion that basically we don’t care if their stupid sorry asses get shot.

Well, Scum ain’t having none of that. He goes after said handful like we are concentration camp managers.

You ain’t getting it. I’m lazy, this is the pit, and you deserve to suffer.

I have never shot at any of those loud motorcycles. That doesn’t mean that I didn’t want to. Can I get credit for that?

If you have an erection regarding another poster that lasts more than 4 hours, get medical help right away. If it is not treated right away, priapism can permanently damage your penis.

Not suffering in the slightest.

But “it’s the Pit” is a very lame excuse for perpetuating ignorance.

It’s my pitting and I’ll post if I want to…

Post if I want to…

Post if I want to…

You’d post too if happened to you…