Biological reason behind Harvey Fierstein's voice?

Is there a reason why his voice sounds like that? Did it natually form that way? Does he smoke 10 packs a day?

Biolocially speaking, what are the vocal cords doing that makes them sound like that as opposed to more, um, pure?

I’ve met Harvey’s mother. She sounds perfectly normal (for an elderly Jewish woman from Sheepshead Bay.)

Basically, he yelled himself permanently hoarse.

(From "Doing Fiddler Proud," Advocate review of Harvey Fierstein in Fiddler on the Roof, by Don Shewey)

Probably then, the physical cause is vocal nodules, i.e., tiny little callouses on his vocal chords.

Interesting. Good find gotpasswords and thanks BigT for the analysis.

I guess “rest” didn’t make them go away and he didn’t get them surgically removed.

How about the sheer volume of semi-solid liquid he’s uh, swallowed?

Really? A fellatio reference just because he’s gay? Is that why the vast majority of women talk that way too? Did your mom talk that way, too?

Also, learn some biology. The things you drink don’t pass over the vocal chords.

FWIW, it’s vocal cords, not chords.

I speak in triads.


Two notes can also be considered a chord.