Bit Torrent?? purposly obscure?

OK… I think this has been covered but I searched and I cant find anything to help me.

Please, wont someone tell me HOW Bit Torrent works and what I have to do or where I have to go to make it work? I have a feeling its not easy to use for a reason, or am I missing something. Is the lack of instruction on purpose?

I’ve downloaded it from the main bit torrent site but it gives extreamly little info to go on.

I seem to be dumbfounded

I have NO interest in downloading illegal software just in the speed that people rave about with bit torrent.

any help is appreciated

After the client is installed, you should only have to double click a .torrent file to start downloading the “main” file you are trying to get. It should prompt you where to save it.

The client is useless without a torrent file. It is not like standard P2P where there is a search built in. You need to find the torrents on the web, one by one. For instance, here is a page with ones for Fedora (used to be Red Hat) Linux.

If you need an easier GUI client, try Azureus:

(you’ll need a Java Runtime)

Another BitTorrent client… thus, ABC.

I prefer BitComet.

Firstly this talk is not really suited to this site…

BitTorrent works by sharing the file as you download, and having each person downloading that file do the same. Thus downloads are extremely fast in most cases.

Various sites server as trackers for the BitTorrent files themselves. While I’m not sure of the dynamics of this is takes a large amount of bandwidth for the site to operate and so they rely on donations to stay alive. One such site is

Please do not use this to steal. Naughty naughty, blah blah blah

This is crap. The real site is There are many fake sites, like the one you posted, that make money by redirecting people to the real site’s resources. The real site is free, and will always be free - according to the owner. It’s a search engine website, that’s all.

Red Hat is still Red Hat. Fedora is a seperate project which is also developed by them.

We do not permit the discussion of file sharing clients on this board. Please read the FAQ and Registration Agreement carefully for details.

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