How do they know that a white hole isn’t some kind of exit for a black hole. If just as a black hole can only suck things in, a white hole can only spit things out. The white hole needs material to be spitting things out of and if black holes could warp space and maybe create a wormhole maybe thats how a whitehole could be created???
Which white holes are you referring to? I am not aware of any confirmed examples.
I’m talking about the white hole that you get from the fact that the equations of general relativity have an interesting mathematical property: they are symmetric in time. That means that you can take any solution to the equations and imagine that time flows backwards rather than forwards, and you’ll get another valid solution to the equations. If you apply this rule to the solution that describes black holes, you get an object known as a white hole.
So, unless you’re asking purely mathematically, the question appears meaningless.
I think somebody’s been watching too much “Red Dwarf”.
No such thing!
Two problems: First, if there were a white hole anywhere in the observable Universe, then we’d see it. Dem tings is BRIGHT! Second, there’s no reason to believe that the matter which falls into a black hole “drains” to anywhere. It just adds to the mass of the hole. If it drained, then black holes would rather quickly lose mass, which doesn’t seem to occur.