Black Sheep: The Movie! Poor Hal Briston!

Oh, sweet Jebus! The tagline is, “The Violence of the Lambs”! :eek: Snakes on a Plane and Night of the Lepus you have met your match! :smiley: I don’t know how you Kiwi folks are going to live this film down, but I expect a full report after you’ve seen it! It looks so deliciously good!

Harumph. That movie is not about Pappy Boyington’s fighter squardron…:frowning:

You know what’s sad? When I was in college a friend of mine’s father knew Pappy and could have gotten him to autograph a copy of Baa Baa Black Sheep quite easily if I’d asked, but I didn’t want to bother Mr. Boyington and shortly after I finished the book, Mr. Boyington died. :frowning: I will say this, though, the book didn’t detail even a tenth of what made Pappy a hero. If ever there was a modest man, he was it.

The Hal joke is getting old.

Which is one of the reasons why I put “Poor Hal Briston!” in the thread title since it’s certain to inspire some. According to this news story, Kiwi’s can also expect to be the butt of sheep jokes. (The clip is worth watching just to see the attack of the killer sheep fetus! :eek: :D)