Blackout Duration of Date Rape Drugs with out Alcohol

I have never done drugs in my life. Just want to know the minimum duration of Blackout induced by Date Rape Drugs without Alcohol. Bcoz my best friend mysteriously blacked out for 2 hours. She is Teetotaler. is she victim rape date drug ?

Could be an enormous number of dangerous medical conditions that cause blackout and not drugs at all. See a doctor, we aren’t doctors or aren’t your Doctor in case of a certain member here.

With that said, the way to even get an idea if it might have been a drug is to ask if she consumed anything provided by the possible attacker. Was it in a suspicious location and/or time, such as her happening to pass out while alone at his house? Does she feel sore or did she wake up with clothing in different condition than when she passed out?

If she wants to prove it (and thus get the person responsible, *if *someone were responsible) she needs to get a sample of her blood frozen sooner rather than later, so it can be tested for the possible substances it might be. The body will metabolize off drugs and flush the metabolites, and I would assume that some drugs can detected only briefly after the event.

The time duration doesn’t say anything to me. I suppose an expert in date rate drugs might be able to guess which drug was used, if it were a drug at all and not a medical condition as mentioned above, from the time duration.

The assumed prevalence of actual date roofie style rape drugs is wildly overblown. 99 percent of the time someone claims to have been roofied they just drank too much on an empty stomach or combined other recreational drugs and alcohol.

If she is just blacking out sans drug or alcohol use and is not practicing some kind of food restriction she needs to go a doctor ASAP.

Ok, it’s got to be said. I know there’s a world class expert, a man with honorary degrees, who is an acknowledged expert in the field of date rape…drugs. I also hear he’s out of a gig at the moment. I’ll go give Mr. Cosby a call.

its too late for medical tests. by my google knowledge i got to know any date rape drug with out alcohol has blackout duration of minimum 4-6 hours. correct me if am wrong ?any guys out there who has any practical experience on this issue ?

Heh. “Practical experience”. Again, not the person to ask, but I bet a certain M.C. might be able to explain all.

Anyways, no, there’s no “minimum” or “maximum” blackout duration. It’s all about the dose, the person, the route of administration, the drug used, etc etc etc. Even the timing of a blackout is imprecise, since a person may wake up in the middle but be too groggy to check the time and another 30 minutes pass, and so forth.

Frankly, the simplest and most probable explanation is this woman drank too much alcohol - maybe in the form of wine coolers or something where the taste is barely noticeable - and passed out for a couple hours. Totally normal, no ulterior motives, and unless she “feels raped”, no reason to think anything untoward happened. Even the passing out could just be a combination of the alcohol making her sleepy and being tired.

you wont blackout unless its high dose, but 2 hours duration is a bit less time.

Hi tauceti, welcome to the Dope (your first day even)! Anybody who names themselves after a star is OK in my book, especially if you’re into the search for extraterrestrial intelligence.

Habeed, the OP says the friend in question didn’t drink.

What kind of evidence or history points at foul play, tauceti?

Speculation won’t answer the specific question. Only a wide range of empiric experiments.

However, these would take around a week to perform, since the subjects will have to be out for periods of time, which takes time: and to gauge the value of detection though subsequent alleged evidence, half will have to be molested whilst put under.

@napier first of all this happened to a person who never had any blackout in life. hence more tensed.she might have taken a chocolate before incident but not sure about it. No strong evidence . can we know anything from duration of blackout ? i know its difficult. apart from this incident she is very healthy.

EI mystery can be solved by AI

How about other evidence, about the situation? Whom she was with, whom she could trust, what else she noticed.
Where was she, and did she wake up in the same location where she passed out?
Are there other people who were present during the blackout?
Did the blackout occur someplace where the crowd around her was uncontrolled, such as in a restaurant, or did it happen someplace that a perpetrator had control over so that he could do whatever he wanted with her unconscious?
Were any of her things out of place? Underwear on backwards? Money missing, or more money than she thought she started with? Taste in her mouth, makeup or hair disturbed, things fallen out of her pockets?

she had gone to upstairs and made a short phone call to trusted friend. but she doesn’t remember doing all this stuff. on waking up by friend she was disoriented for 5 minutes and then every thing was normal. strange thing is no one was able to tell did they see her. though around 10 people were in that area.,every one was busy in their own world.

Was it in a setting where these other people should have been interacting with her? What does she know about all these people? How safe was this place? Was it a place where she was fairly in control? A place she’s very accustomed to? What can her trusted friend tell her about the phone call? I take it that she asked the other people about what went on, because no one was able to say they’d seen her, but what else could the people tell her about what was going on there (I mean exactly how were they busy in their own little worlds and what were they doing)? What was upstairs, was it a private place where somebody else could have done what they wanted to her without being interrupted? Could any of the people there have anticipated where she would be when she passed out? Could this be a near miss, perhaps somebody did slip her a drug and was going to take her from this place or something, but she unknowingly spoiled the plan by going upstairs to make a call and just fell asleep there instead of becoming more of a victim?

ya i feel its a near miss, phone call was just’ ‘i am here’ as told by trusted friend. she couldn’t hear remaining thing, call disconnected.

She is a victim of the old “Regret Sex” drug. It’s been around since the advent of boyfriends and girls going to parties.

Duration depends on the individual. There is no “set time,” why are you so concerned about the time? She blacked out for a period of time and someone suspects that she was administered date rape drugs. 2 hours or 4 hours, 3 or 6-- doesn’t matter. She blacked out for seemingly no reason.

Who is the trusted friend who received the phone call?
How did you find out?
What are all of the things that she said about this?
Sorry but it’s ever so vague, please elaborate.