May 21, 2003
by friedo
Jayson Blair, the shamed New York Times reporter who resigned recently amid accusations of plagiarism and fabrication of facts has declared that he is not sorry, a senior official at Blair’s secret lunar base said here today on condition of anonymity.
Blair, who The Times accuses of fabricating facts and lying about his location in dozens of major articles over the past several months has gone into hiding since the scandal broke, and is observing Earth from afar. He traveled to the moon using a stolen rocket that he obtained when he discovered Jimmy Hoffa’s cryogenically preserved corpse, Blair’s agent said.
According to The Times, Blair lied being in, or even near, the home of American prisoner-of-war PFC Jessica Lynch. “That’s my favorite, just because the description was so far off from the reality…I couldn’t stop laughing,” Blair said. “Also, I’m the most dangerous super-villain this world has ever seen.”
The Fortress of Solitude issued no formal statement regarding Blair’s claim, but said unofficially that they are more concerned with the Lex Luthor threat and insuring that no more energy beings are created by fusing Superman’s DNA with nuclear weapons and hurling them into the sun.
The Justice League, however, issued an immediate response to Blair’s proclomation. “We’re on it,” said Justice League spokesman Harvey Birdman, “we’re sending that gay guy,” who hangs out with Batman.
I’m not worried, said Blair while he polished his giant earth-blasting laser cannon, “I’m going to laugh at them, too.”