As a fan of Mythbusters and other shows on the various non-fiction cable channels, I’ve noticed that most of them obscure, in some fashion or other, brand names of products that appear on the show. For instance, Jamie was wearing a Simpson fire suit in a driving experiment a few weeks ago, and they put black tape over all the Simpson logos on the suit. (I recognized it from its styling.) On last week’s show, they were firing yellow tennis balls at a ninja, and they had carefully spray painted over the logos on the balls.
On other shows they’ll use video effects to blur out a brand name or logo that wasn’t covered during the original filming.
I’m reasonably familiar with trademark and copyright law, so I know that simply showing a mfr’s logo is NOT a violation of trademark law, although it might conceivably infringe copyright. However, I seriously doubt that the channel’s lawyers are worried about a copyright lawsuit, especially since, in the cases I’ve described, the appearances were mostly positive and could have been perceived as relatively valuable endorsements.
However, the endorsement issue brings up some other possibilities. Obviously, if Wilson tennis balls was an advertiser, the network wouldn’t want Jamie and Adam to use a competing product. In fact, they’d have an obvious motivation to engage in some product placement.
So I’m thinking that there are a couple of possibilities: they want to avoid the appearance of product placement. They aren’t getting money from the products’ makers, and they don’t want viewers to think they are. The main motivation is preserving the program’s reputation, which might suffer if they were perceived as engaging in blatant or even subtle product placement.
Another possibility is that they’re just playing it safe: even if in most cases the portrayals of the products in question are largely positive, they want to avoid any possibility that the makers might complain or threaten a lawsuit.
Of course, these things aren’t mutually exclusive, so maybe together they provide enough reason to do what they do.
I’d be interested in knowing if that’s all there is to it, or if there are other factors at work. Does anyone know? (I’d prefer a minimum of WAGing, please.) Thanks.