Blocking Your Cell Phone

Just in…

The Canadian Government is considering licensing devices that will block cellular phone signals in certain public places such as restaurants, theatres, and libraries.

These devices are presently illegal.

I find it really annoying to have people’s cell phones going off while I am trying to enjoy a movie with my sweetie or while I am trying to enjoy my lunch. Disturbing the peace and quiet of the library has always been a bad idea.
Wouldn’t it just be great to know that whenever you go out to a restaurant you won’t be annoyed by someone’s damnable cell phone?

With that said, I think that allowing the blocking of cell phones is a bad idea because while I might be out with my beloved having an enjoyable evening we are also the parents of four children and one of the primary reasons for my owning a cell phone is so that we can be reached in the event of an emergency.

Allowing this technology would quickly address the issue of inconsiderate cell phone users while punishing the responsible users which switch their phone to vibrate or in my case, turn the volume off or to very low when in a public place such as a theatre. I have call display so I can always call people back when I check my messages.

I would concede that devices like this could be used in medical facilities when cell phones might pose a hazard or interfere with medical equipment. As a rule, I shut my phone off whenever I am at the doctor’s office or at the hospital.

And yes, those people who can’t afford to get a hands free kit in their car should be tarred and feathered.

It seems like such an extreme measure to a problem that is, after all, merely annoying.

A better method would make it legal to pelt the owner of an offending cell phone with water balloons and the like.

“You wanna gab with your sister in Pheonix? Take THIS!”


Personally, I like SPOOFE’s idea. Didn’t Texas introduce a maximum $10 fine for assault where the victim was burning the Flag?

I think the argument that you need the cellphone so that you can be contacted in an emergency is a little bit lazy. You can make arrangements to be contacted without disturbing your fellow diners or audience members, just like people did before cellphones were invented (which was not really all that long ago).

You could get yourself a vibrating pager. In the event of an emergency, the person babysitter could page you and you could leave the theatre/cinema/restaurant and call him/her. Alternatively, if you’re in a restaurant, leave the restaurant’s number with the babysitter so that he/she can call you directly.

If they did, that is sooooo wrong.
How can ANYONE like government?

Freedom, I read it in P J O’Rourke’s Parliament of Whores. He describes it as being like pinning a “kick me” sign on the back of the law.

Why else would I carry that often annoying piece of technology if not for emergencies? Sure, Lola loves the fact that she can track me down 24/7 when we need milk, bread, or diapers but that wasn’t a reason for getting a cel.

It wasn’t all that long ago that this dialogue would have been impossible, technology is a wonderful thing isn’t it? Anything can be mis-used but do we need the powers that be mandating our behaviour through extreme measures?

I personally like the idea of pelting people with water balloons and for extreme breaches of protocol I think that forcing offenders to watch Barney Marathons would be a suitable punishment.

I AM annoyed by the ringing phone at the next table.

I AM annoyed by the beeper on the volunteer firefighter’s belt going off during the salad so he has to rush out to fight a fire.

I AM annoyed by the waiter’s dropping some dishes, not to mention his phony french accent.

I AM annoyed by the loud (sorry) red & purple outfit worn by the diner at next table.:rolleyes:

But I’ll get over it. Meanwhile, it sure is a wonderful technological advance that I can be reached anywhere I am in an emergency with just a phone call.

I’m in a bookstore coffee shop that features a big sign reading “No Cell Phones.” I got no problem with that. My cell is in my pocket, set on vibrate. Sure enough, it vibrates. I stand up, take the phone out of my pocket to check the Caller ID, and head for the door. I don’t answer it, but as I’m going out the door, the counter woman shouts at me, “Can’t you read, idiot?! No cell phones!” I continued outside and took the call. No one in the shop, of course, had to listen either to my phone ring or my subsequent conversation.

But then I had a minor problem. My coffee mug was still half full, my pastry half-eaten. So I went back in, ignoring Ms. Hostile, and sat down.

Now here’s the interesting part of the story. After my return, I hear a cell phone ring somewhere in the shop. My first thought is “Well, good, now someone else gets to be in trouble.” I glance at Ms. Hostile, but she’s staring right at me, eyes blazing. I mouth, “Not me,” and then, to my relief, another fellow answers his phone and starts gabbing away loudly in Spanish. Several people around the fellow are obviously annoyed, but Ms. Hostile is ignoring him.

All too willing, as I often am, to pick a fight, I take my plate and dish to the counter, set them down, and say to Ms. Hostile, “No cell phones? Just for me, or does that rule apply to anyone else in here?”

She doesn’t answer for a moment, then hisses, “He speaks Spanish!”

I couldn’t refute that.

I guess the sight of a cell phone sets some people off, even if otherwise they don’t have to listen to it or a conversation on it. And I guess we’re inconsistent in the application of our little rules. Technology won’t stop anyone from behaviing like a jerk if they want to, and it’s not always the obvious behavior that’s truly jerky.

While personally I loathe those things, I do understand that there are certain cases where they are necessary(and in those cases I don’t really mind them that much honestly.) I am in favor of having them banned/blocked in restaurants and other public venues, but only if that place then offers a back room or storage area where the cell phones are not blocked so that someone like a doctor can simply leave the cell there - and pick up a small pager/ alert device to alert him if his phone is ringing so he can leave the area to take the call.

The first thought of the immature part of my brain was that you should go back into that place with a really loud travel alarm clock in your pocket. “What do you mean it’s disturbing people, I don’t see a sign that says ‘no alarm clocks’”

wolfman: Great alarm clock idea! And if someone asks you about it, you could say that it the alarm means that the cell phone, which you left it the car, is ringing.

BTW Feynn, these blocking devices are quite popular in Japan (restaurants, opera houses). These “blockers” would likely interfere with medical equipment, too, though. (They are also illegal in th US.)

Hes in a bookstore in the United states and he dosen’t read english?

Me being the obnoxious person I am would have probably waited till after the call and come up with a reaon to talk to him (nice tie or something) I’d bet 90% of the time in this situation the guy speaks flawless english. Then point it out to the evil wench and tell her to kiss my ass.