Bloody-minded fucked up people

Seriously though. Common sense would dictate that if you run into someone you had an argument with a while back, you don’t try to pick up the debate where you left off.

I seriously doubt it. I know the difference between being a bit drunk and seriously drunk.

ETA: “over here” is in the Netherlands.

More or less, you’ve got my position correct Now I’m not saying that I got my point across all that well, but not for lack of trying. It’s kind of hard to explain your ideas when the other party is pretty much ready to punch you in the face before you can get to the end of a sentence.

So yeah, as far as I’m concerned, she’s a nutcase. Thing is, she’s also a manager in fairly large hospital, so I also have to consider that she might not be as crazy as she seems to be.


Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. It’s just that you mightHA HA HA HA HA HA HA!

Stop it, you’re killing me here!

Probably. And I would not have done so if I had ANY idea what her position on the argument was. Or to put it another way: I just don’t believe that because I have a penis I’m not capable of forming an opinion on women that can be debated in a reasonably civilized way, and I seriously didn’t think it was possible that she thought so too.

Being a manager in a hospital does not mean that she is not crazy. It sounds like at the very least, she has serious anti-male issues, or she is unwilling to engage in thoughtful, considered debate. (I am almost confident in saying that people who are discussing something in a bar after a few drinks, are doing anything except for having a thoughtful, considered debate. YMMV.)

On the other hand, while your position sounds good the way you put it here, there may be something in your attitude that appears to demand that she – or others – listen to you and give credence to your views. This is just an observation based on your wanting to continue the “discussion” (at the second meeting) because you didn’t think your points had been understood the first time.

I recognize that behavior because I do it, too, sometimes, especially with my mother-in-law. I can honestly say there is no future in going down that path. Let it go, man, because dredging it up again will get you nowhere.

My suggestion is to avoid her like the plague. If you run into her again, make no mention of the argument, and try to steer clear of any similar discussions. If she still gets angry, then you can assume it is something in your attitude to which she is reacting, and nothing you will ever say will change that. If that is the case, run away.

There is nothing cowardly in removing oneself from the field of battle for the sake of peace within your community. Your mutual friends will appreciate that you took the high road and acted with dignity.

It may also be the case that this woman just plain doesn’t like you, and regardless of anything , will never like you due to a poor initial meeting. Just avoid her. Oh, but wait, you have aquaintences in common? Sound out the aquaintences as to her point of view on the subject at hand and then about you. It may be she was under the influence and formed an opinion of you and hasn’t seen beyond it yet. That happens.

I can understand the temptation. We all want to be understood, and it sucks to be loathed due to a misunderstanding. But I think you’re right – any attempt to correct the situation will likely just dig the hole deeper.

You’re right. After thinking about this for the last 2 days, I’m quite confident there’s no reason to continue.

The one thing that bugs me about the whole affair is that I still can’t even understand what was going on. I can understand when people don’t agree with me and even if my opinions makes them angry. What I don’t understand is people who get SO angry that they’re unable to explain why - at least with me.

So this woman nearly became violent because you voiced what is pretty much a known fact? That does not sound like rational behavior. I wonder what happens when her friends suggest a movie or a restaurant she doesn’t like? She either just doesn’t like you or is crazy. Maybe both.

Just out of curiosity what was her stance? Did she disagree with your statement or just consider you a misogynist for stating what you did?

I have no idea what her opinion is. Which was the reason to try for a second time. Then it appeared I was just a misogynist. Which doesn’t make her opinion any clearer.

As far as my friends who know her are concerned, some of them are at least reasonably OK with her, and others think she’s a bloody nutcase. So let’s just say opinion is divided :slight_smile:

I have no idea what you’re talking about. So here’s a picture of a woman with a pancake on her head

Well, the woman in the picture is a LOT cuter :slight_smile: So thanks for that.

Also: see post #12 and further if you’re interested

Two things I can’t stand. People who won’t tolerate rational debate and the Dutch. Looks like you got a two fer there :slight_smile:

Yeah, you got me coming AND going.

I want to elaborate on this.

I was angry drunk and confused the first time. The second time I was just confused. I only got angry and drunk after she left.

In case it wasnt clear, I am laughing with you (at the crazy woman) not at you :slight_smile:

take care


My best guess is that what she heard, wasn’t what you said. But now that she’s assigned whatever opinion she thought she heard you say to you, there’s nothing that will change that.

Chalk it up to crazy bitch and quit losing sleep over it.

I’m not sure if I oughta start a new thread or not…but if you’re batshit crazy…do you know it?

(Or like me, do you have a blindspot to all your foibles and flaws?)

Let’s just ask the question openly: do YOU people think I’m completely crazy? It’s fine if you think I’m just really good at hiding my crazy when posting online, but from my experience, it’s not easy for crazy people to do that.

And yeah, I probably do have blind spots regarding my flaws. So point out my flaws. But having a penis - however objectionable it may seem - is not a flaw.

You seem to be thinking we’re talking about you…we’re not. (well, I’m not) I’m operating under the assumption she was.

Would she KNOW she was crazy? I’ve dated (was actually engaged) to crazy once…the thing she continuously screamed was ‘You think I’m crazy!’. My wife’s been depressed…at no time during the depression did she have a problem with being labelled depressed.